Michel M.J. Shore

Jacob’s Blessings of Light to the World and its Nations :Torah Portion Vayehi

Each, Together, United as a Nation, Brings Jacob’s Blessings of Light to the World and its Nations

Torah Portion Vayehi

Jacob’s blessings to his grandsons highlight

Their characters, as they do for his sons.

Blessings are bestowed as a chance for clear sight

To motivate the giving of all of inner possessions and funds.


From blueprint to actualization,

A blessing’s complete realization evolves

With one’s mission in acclamation,

When the recipient’s quest itself resolves.


Life  journey’s internal destination,

Needs arduous self-work for maturation,

In continuous movement from stagnation,

To potentialize self-realization.


Gifts of blessings are accepted and witnessed

When traits are mastered and harnessed.


Ephraim and Menasseh’s descendants,

Wherever they are, bring their spirit to the world’s residents.

Reuven, who lost his firstborn birthright

May he continue to conquer himself for all in sight.


Judah, may his staff of authority reign

For his kingship, worthy of blessing’s future gain.

While Yissachar’s studies bring ethics to light,

Dan denies all for himself and commits but to the nation’s each legal right.


From whatever location, Gad will fight with all his might;

Asher will provide life’s delicacies with regal insight.

Joseph is guided to feed the whole world.

Benjamin is given Divine strength unfurled.


The maturity of Shimon and Levi

Requires labour, in tasks, most heavy.

Levi’s duties are set to Divine service,

While Shimon teaches across the world’s surface.


And Naphtali with his swift artistic nature

Speaks with words that melt even a glacier.

Each, together, united in the nation, brings Jacob’s

Blessings of light to the world and its nations.

About the Author
Michel M.J. Shore is a retired judge of the Federal Court of Canada and recently made a home in Israel. He is the writer of several published books and poetry collections.
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