Jewess Patriot: Will Kathy Hochul Take Revenge on NY Jews Who Voted for Zeldin?
If you thought antisemitism was going to stop after the results of the November 8th elections, think again.
Jewish donors, social media influencers and public figures made their preference for governor of New York very clear. Jewish candidate Lee Zeldin, congressman, Trump supporter, co-chair of the House Republicans Israel Caucus and outspoken opponent of the Iran Nuclear Deal. He was an overwhelmingly choice for Jews voting in areas of Long Island, Brooklyn, Queens and Rockland County. Coincidentally, in many of these areas, republican and conservative candidates won election and flipped seats for congress and state senate and assembly positions in Albany. In Nassau and Suffolk Zeldin won by double digits. Same in Rockland County, the Monsey area and parts of Staten Island.
Rabbis publicly endorsed Zeldin. Jewish publications followed and shared with readers his every move, from attending services to eating in kosher restaurants.
Zeldin was our David to Hochul’s Goliath. His was our first step to Moshiach coming. Jewish issues in the campaign agenda became matters other minorities related to and used to their advantage for political clout.
November 8th did not bring about the results expected. Governor Kathy Hochul knows who supported her. She is well aware that Jews gave millions of dollars to Zeldin.
They had good reason. Hochul had done little to curb rising violence against Jews in the streets, and that she stayed on the sidelines as the media and her party’s politicians assailed the educational standards of the state’s yeshivas in the face of new state regulations.
She also campaigned at a Harvard Club fundraiser in New York City where she made a point to take a few photos with Maher Abdelqader, the vice president at AI Engineers in New York, who is also an activist who has propagated antisemitic conspiracy theories, such as sharing a video claiming that Jews are “satanic” and controlling the media and that questions whether 6 million Jews died in the Holocaust.
She stood side by side with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Tiffany Caban days before Election Day.
Jews Beware
As if Jews weren’t targets of alarming Antisemitism, now we have to worry about Kathy’s revenge.
- Funding for Jewish schools, religious institutions and organizations
- Discriminatory hiring and firing of Jewish staff in government positions
- Security on our streets and punishments for criminals destroying Jewish property or harming individuals simply because they are Jewish
- Helping Jewish businesses with incentives given to other owners
- Disciplinary action against antisemitism shared by progressives
There are many other possibilities where Jews could be targeted.
What Can Jews Do?
Last August, on the campaign, Hochul made a suggestion, “And we are here to say that the era of Trump, and Zeldin and Molinaro, just jump on a bus and head down to Florida where you belong, ok? Get out of town. Because you do not represent our values. You are not New Yorkers.”
Since then, many have left. But everyone can’t leave.
Are we going to live in fear of retaliation from a woman who said in her only debate that Zeldin was too concerned about crime?
How do we make living in New York comfortable for Jews under the leadership of Governor Kathy Hochul?
Whether or not we voted for her or not, we pay her salary and she is supposed to represent all of us, including those who didn’t vote for her.
We will be watching carefully that New York Jews are respected and treated fairly.
The Jewish Community Relations Council publicly congratulated Hochul on her win,
“Lt. Governor Kathy Hochul has proven herself to be a crucial friend to NY Jewish communities. She has spoken out against antisemitism and championed the cause of security for Jews and Jewish institutions,” adding, “We look forward to working with her as she becomes NY’s 57th Governor.”
Your actions will speak louder than your words.