Chaya Berkowitz
Marketing professional, mother of 4 girls, happy carnivore

Jewish American or American Jew?

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We are mere days away from what promises to be the most critical US Presidential election in history, one which will have serious repercussions across the globe. It is precisely at this moment in time that I feel compelled to ask my fellow Americans: are you a Jewish American or an American Jew? 

What is enough?

This last year has been THE eye-opener to end all eye-openers. The veil has been lifted from our collective eyes and shown us the painful truth: antisemitism is alive and well, constantly rearing its ugly head for all to see. People don’t even hide it anymore, because anti-Jew rhetoric is now acceptable.

Never in my life did I imagine a Jewish man in Chicago could be shot in broad daylight while walking to shul and the shooter isn’t even charged with a hate crime (as of this writing). The Chicago PD doesn’t feel that Sidi Mohamed Abdallahi allegedly yelling “Allahu Akbar” is enough to label it as such.

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Tell me, what IS enough?

This disease is festering at the top level of the US government. The Vice President has supported withholding military assistance to Israel. Rather than attend Bibi’s speech to Congress, Harris reportedly went to a sorority event. Such a level of disrespect towards a democratically elected leader of an ally is disgraceful.

She and her boss have done virtually nothing to hold American universities accountable for the sickening campus protests. Last month, Harris’ VP candidate Tim Walz said nothing when asked about the six murdered hostages – one of whom was an American citizen – and literally walked away.

Earlier this month at an event at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, she replied to a pro-Hamas heckler accusing Israel of genocide and said, “Listen, what he’s talking about, it’s real. That’s not the subject that I came to discuss today, but it’s real and I respect his voice.” 

These so-called friends of Israel play both hands by telling the media that Israel has a right to defend itself (thank you, Captain Obvious) while pandering to the pro-Palestinian, Hamas-loving crowds. Inexcusable.

As of this writing, Ariane Tabatabai, the source of the leak of Israel’s plans to retaliate against Iran, has not only NOT been fired, but has simply been reassigned to a lower level position. Ms. Tabatabai was working for the US Department of Defense while being suspected of having ties to the IRGC. Just what part of this is acceptable? The name Jonathan Pollard somehow comes to mind…

Pick a Side

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As the Presidential election draws closer, Americans of all faiths must decide whom they want to lead the country. This will deeply impact US-Israel relations. 

For American Jews, I can’t understand why this is even a question. Would you rather have a nice, friendly doctor who simply pats you on the head and tells you everything will be okay, or a doctor with an awful bedside manner who actually fixes what’s hurting you?

Just as previous generations were guests in a host country, so are American Jews. You are in a bubble that is slowly bursting. You cannot rely on your local leaders to have your back. The tone is set much higher up.

Please ask yourself: are you a Jewish American or an American Jew? Because if it’s the former, I urge you to reexamine your priorities.

About the Author
A marketing professional, former entrepreneur, and mother of four. A talented hi-tech B2B SaaS marketer, strategic thinker, and storyteller extraordinaire who is passionate about technology that makes human impact.
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