Joel Sonreir

Jewish Education Goes Digital

As e-learning becomes more popular in the mainstream, ways of learning Torah online are expanding as well. There are offerings for women, men, and for all levels of Jewish learning. Preparing for Passover should include “cleaning house” and that should include starting new learning, and with these online and digital offerings there’s really no excuse!

Here are four online programs to help further your Jewish education:

1. – YU Torah Online offers an abundance of shurim with topics including Gemara, Halacha and Jewish History. Their user friendly site offers users the opportunity to find shirum given by specific YU teachers or leaders of Jewish communities worldwide. Classes are free and updated daily.Screen Shot 2017-03-22 at 1.06.02 PM

2. – CyberSem is an online Seminary for women who are looking to further their Jewish education. Classes are interactive and offer students a real ‘classroom’ feel from the comfort of their own homes. Some class topics include Women in Nach, The Machzor and Jewish History. Classes are offered at a low cost in semesters following a college calendar.Screen Shot 2017-03-22 at 1.06.29 PM

3. – Learn Torah is ran and operated by a group of community members including Rav Eli Mansour. It offers classes including a daily Daf Yomi Shuir, Contemporary Jewish Philosophy and Holidays. You can stream classes for free or download them for a small fee.

4. – Gratz JOLT Jewish Online Learning offers classes for high school teens and college students. Classes are interactive and topics include Hebrew, Jewish Playwriting and Perspectives on American Judaism. Classes are offered for a fee in semesters following a college and high school calendar.

About the Author
Working in NYC politics and from South America, with a passion for those doing great things for the world through philanthropy and featuring their stories.
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