Writer and artist now living in the Holy Land
Join Me in Supporting Israel
While I appreciate the brief messages from friends and family saying things like, “Glad you’re okay. Stay safe,” I want to express the magnitude of what is actually happening here, and the tremendous power each of us has to actually impact others without a lot of effort.
Our spiritual activism is intrinsically connected to the physical protection of our brothers and sisters here in Israel. Help make a difference now, and always:
- Reach into yourself to find your innate faith. Discover your unique connection with G‑d. He has a bond with each of us, regardless of what we may have said or done in the past. Trust that He will guard us, especially in His Holy Land.
- Reach out to friends and family here in Israel, or even to strangers online. Tell them that you are one with them, about the mitzvahs you’re doing in their honor, and that you are sure that they will prevail.
- Encourage Jewish men 13 and older to don tefillin, the holy heart-and-mind connectors, as a source of spiritual strength and deterrence. Don’t have tefillin? Reach out to me and I’ll help you get some.
- Encourage Jewish women and girls to light Shabbat candles every Friday before sunset to start Shabbat and on the eve of Jewish holidays. This mitzvah brings light and peace into the home and the world. You also can help us give out Shabbat candles to women here in Israel.
- Support organizations like Colel Chabad, part of Israel’s emergency response team. Among other things, they are delivering tens of thousands of cooked meals to frightened families and IDF soldiers.
- Dedicate daily prayers for our people here in Israel. For example, Psalm 20.
Let’s unite in spiritual and practical ways to offer strength, support, and hope to our fellow Jews here in Israel. Instead of offering simple platitudes, we can actually make a real difference.
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