Dana Janine Diamond

Kamala and the self-determined women

Muslim women walking. Photo credit: Meir Levi Clancy, free to use under Unsplash License

As a Jewish feminist, it’s difficult to understand how Kamala Harris doesn’t see how Sharia Law makes it impossible for women to be self-determined or free.

It gravely harms the entire Middle East and Africa and South Asia and Southeast Asia – Gaza and the West Bank are no exception. Yet she never talks about it. Never.

There is no self-determination or free anything within this system, currently the rule of law in 50 countries, including our negotiating partners, Egypt and Qatar, which makes them largely unhelpful – as we have seen. Sharia Law already has a toehold in Europe and the UK.

The concept of self-determination is an ideal born in the West and central to the Revolution and subsequent creation of America. Yet, inherently antithetical to the Islamic culture and legal system in the Middle East and elsewhere.

Therein lies the hypocrisy in her remarks at the debate. They don’t reflect the reality, as she should well know.

Sharia is a system of law where marital rape is legal. Domestic Violence is legal.

If an unmarried woman claims rape, more often than not she is found to be the guilty party, not her rapist. And she will be sentenced to severe flogging or stoned to death.

Whereas Sharia Law is so stringent in protecting men that rapists are rarely punished.

Rape of a child is no different. Children are considered capable of consent and therefore liable for their own rapes. What protective laws Gaza and the West Bank currently have are rarely enforced.

Child marriage is legal.

Honor killings of women and girls and gays are still common and highly prevalent. Honor rapes and gang rapes have been ruled legal and even ordered by Sharia councils. Honor killings and honor rapes and forced suicides happen in the US, as well.

Abortion is completely illegal in Gaza and the West Bank.

Women and girls do not have a choice in their marriage partners. That is up to their male guardian. Only men have an independent choice. A man can also divorce his spouse for any reason at all. A woman cannot request a divorce.

Women and girls are not legally protected from sex trafficking.

FGM – female genital mutilation is neither required under Sharia Law – nor prohibited. Should we be thankful for small favors?

A few months ago Kamala said she was concerned about current access to sanitary napkins for girls and women in Gaza. Notice she did not say tampons, which were never accessible.

Women and girls are not afforded the same educational opportunities. Forget about anything close to equal pay. Or any semblance of bodily autonomy.

A woman’s testimony is only worth half the value legally – often less – than that of a man’s.

LGBTQ sex is illegal.

How can Harris talk about self-determination or freedom for Palestinians with a straight face? It’s beyond disingenuous.

As the VP and as candidate for leader of the free world, she has a responsibility to speak the truth, no matter how inconvenient.

OTOH, Project 2025 would render America useless as the moral beacon of the world and would usher in far greater violations of women and children and LGBTQ both here and around the world. It would be a disaster for Jews. And he is a liar, a misogynist and a full-blown antisemite.

She won the debate, absolutely. I expect nothing from him because of who he actually is.

I expect much more from her – as we continue to learn who she is. Not because she’s a woman – but because of her stated values, which she’s said have not changed.

Sharia Law is a violation of Human Rights. When she speaks of the Middle East, she needs to strongly and boldly condemn the unjust status quo of Sharia Law for women, girls, children and LGBTQ. Or have us believe she lacks both the clarity and courage. Or that they don’t really matter.

Seems impossible to create change in an entire, ancient culture. But astonishingly, the #metoo movement in the US created some change in Sharia Law in the Middle East. So, it can be done – and that’s the leadership I’m looking for. It’s an essential part of the path forward for peace in the Middle East.

About the Author
Dana is a memoir writer and poet. She is passionate about Israel, supporting survivors of rape, terror and violence, speaking out for the vulnerable, and celebrating being Jewish in every way - Jewish holidays, Jewish art, and Jewish representation in culture and politics. Dana (Davi) will soon be making aliyah from upstate New York. #BringThemHomeNow #LetThemGoNow #FreeTheHostages.
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