Zelda Harris
Five on the 100 aliyah from UK list!

Life goes on

Wow! Today for the first time in months I went to the local swimming pool at Neve Sharret. The outside pools are still closed but there were quite a few swimmers in the indoor pool. These included the bunch of women who two or three times weekly engage in water exercises. Their  instructress is called Svetlana who dances while, they try to imitate her in the water.

I looked inside to see if my friend Noah who regularly gives me a ride to the Country Club  had finished exercising.  Lo and behold the heavens opened up and heavy rain fell on the corrugated and glass roof.

The music playing this morning was a beautiful rendition by the tenor  Andrea Botticelli,  as he reached dramatic  crescendo heights, so did the downpour! The scene was surrealistic. I could not get to my mobile to video it. I so wanted to record the experience

I have not been actually depressed. My doctor has made sure of that. However  I have become anti-social. My son lectures me about that. He is right in saying that one has to make an effort, but aged 90 its difficult.

When I think of all that I did during my 89th year it is almost impossible to believe that I was the same person. On March 1st 2020 I was supposed to fly to Australia to visit my granddaughter  Anna who is living there with her Australian husband. She is now very far away from her immediate family and has promised to visit me when this pandemic is over.  I now longer have the pluck to do that journey. So much has changed.

Too much for my liking.

The Political Scene too is most depressing. At the pool where I swim I have found many of the women to be unexpectedly right wing. However today I heard some saying that they are appalled at the way Bibi has behaved and are so distressed that we still do not have a Government. More than that they yell, ” Have you all forgotten who built this State?

This is creating a feeling of instability especially with the unreal and unnatural way that we have lived for more than a year. Several of the women today pointed out something which I who came here in 1949 am always saying. They, the chattering masses or the great unwashed as they were know in Victorian times have forgotten who built this state. They also are too blind to see who has almost destroyed a  pretty much united and forward looking society.

Maybe I was under the illusion that age makes no difference. It’s all attitude of mind. The old saying “you must live every day as if its your last” goes around in my mind.

So I try.

Where I live in Hadar Yosef, I am surrounded by massive trees housing dozens of birds who sing ,tweet and peck at the crumbs,  generously littered below. Even so I cannot help feeling jealous of those going out on trips at this wondrous time of year.  Everything is in bloom and the inclement rainfall has increased the verbiage, the streams and rivers, its magic

Israel for those who do not know her, is thought of as a hot dry, parched land. With glorious beaches and miles of desert.

However they gasp when they see our vast forests which have ben largely made possible by donors who from around the world have since their earliest childhood, purchased trees.

Even if only by putting coins into the Keren Kayemet Le Israel(KKL)Blue Box/ which was once a must, in every Jewish household.

Even so there are those who trash the forests. How can people not understand that the preservation of natural sites is also their responsibility.

I feel that  now I cannot help to make anything change for the better. Thankfully I have those in my family who are out there at demonstrations and also those whom through their work or livelihood are giving help to the community.

So  now the last days of Passover are upon us and lets hope that the last days of Corona will soon be a reality.

Hag Sameach to those celebrating Passover and a very Happy Easter to all Christian friends. Also a happier and healthier life to those around the world who are still victims of merciless persecution by those who refuse to believe in equality, tolerance and compassion.

About the Author
Zelda Harris first came to Israel 1949, aged 18. After living through the hardships of the nascent state, she returned to England in 1966. She was a founding member of the Women's Campaign for Soviet Jewry. In 1978, she returned with her family to Israel and has been active in various spheres of Israeli Society since. Together with the late Chaim Herzog, she founded CCC for Electoral Reform, was the Director of BIPAC in Israel, and a co-founder of Metuna, the Organisation for Road Safety, which received the Speaker of Knesset Quality of Life Award for saving lives on the roads and prevention of serious injury. She is now a peace activist, blogger for Times of Israel and is writing her life story.
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