Benji Shulman

Life Lessons from Netflix, The Ocean & an Octopus

An Octopus - RamiAubourg Wikicommons

When filmmaker Craig Foster begun feeling burnt out he decided to return to his childhood activity of freediving. His time was spent mostly in the frigid waters of the southern Atlantic kelp forests of  Cape Town, South Africa. During one of these dives, Craig came across an octopus. Becoming curios he returned daily for nearly a year developing a relationship with the highly intelligent creature.

He has turned the experience into a Netflix documentary called “My Octopus Teacher” featuring the life lessons that he took from his daily dives in the kelp forest.  On the New Blue Review we chatted to the director of the film Pippa Ehrlich and Marine Biologist Jannes Landscoff about the making of the film and the importance of the Great African Kelp Forest.

You can listen to the interview below

You can find more interviews on Benji Shulman Media

You can find more information about the Great African Kelp Forest on the Sea Change Website

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About the Author
Benji Shulman is from Johannesburg, South Africa, he has a masters degree in Geography and has worked in a range of fields in the Jewish community including education, advocacy, environment and outreach. He loves radio and has a hosted numerous shows on 101.9 ChaiFm in the last decade.
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