Moving to Israel from America: 5 Mistakes to Avoid
As a career counselor who focuses on helping Israeli immigrants, I know that your first days in Israel after moving to Israel from America (or no matter where from) will set the tone for your entire transition.
That said, here are some of the worst ways to handle those critical early days, so you can avoid them and start your new and exciting life in Israel – on the right foot.
1. Ignoring the Bureaucracy
Delaying registration as an Oleh Chadash (new immigrant), or opening a bank account, or signing up for national healthcare services (Kupat Holim) – are huge no, no’s. Doing these things will only lead to more stress down the line. Israel’s bureaucratic systems are exactly as you would expect – slow.
Therefore, skipping these critically important tasks early on can result in missed benefits or delays in accessing vital services… And properly starting your successful moving to Israel experience.
DO NOT procrastinate on filing the essential paperwork to reap the benefits of being a legal Israeli resident/citizen.
2. Expecting Everything to Work Like It Does in America
A sure way to set yourself up for being angry and irritated during your first few weeks (or months) in Israel frustration is by assuming systems, customer service, and daily life will function just like they do in the US.
Whether it’s becoming accustomed to the fact that most businesses close early on Fridays for Shabbat, or that others will try to cut in front of you whilst waiting in a line (“tor” in Hebrew), expecting American norms in Israel will only lead to tremendous frustration – trust me on this.
Adaptability is going to be key, and rigid, unrealistic expectations will make every small difference feel like a huge hassle and a major inconvenience.
So, stay flexible and get ready for some big changes…before you move to Israel.
3. Avoiding Learning Hebrew Completely… Don’t
It’s easy to lean on English during your first days and months after you move to Israel from America, especially since many Israelis speak it fluently.
However, relying just on speaking English and avoiding learning Hebrew (even the basic phrases) will create a long-term barrier to integration.
Taking small steps—like greeting neighbors with a cheerful “Shalom” or learning the words for basic groceries will make a big difference. I suggest to watch YouTube videos to learn the basics and then sign up to a proper language class (“ulpan” in Hebrew) as soon as you move here.
4. Neglecting to Budget Wisely
Here’s what’s coming towards you – The cost of living in Israel will be a huge shock, especially in a major city like Tel Aviv. Spending recklessly on unnecessary taxis, frequent restaurant meals, or splurging on imported products will drain your bank account fast.
Instead, adjust to local prices and budget carefully from the start to help make sure you don’t begin your new life with a ton of financial stress.
I suggest to relocate yourself slightly out of the big city centers if you want to get ahead and are living on a budget.
5. Isolating Yourself
It’s super-easy to retreat into your comfort zone when everything feels unfamiliar, but don’t do it. Avoiding social interactions with neighbors or locals, will leave you feeling lonely and will not help you acclimate to your new life in Israel.
Building connections early is crucial for emotional support, getting advice, and feeling at home. There are plenty of groups and communities, especially for English speakers, that will help you start this process.
So, check them out right away.
In Conclusion…
Your first days, and weeks, and months in Israel will be hectic for sure! But now you know what to do.
Long story short, focus on balancing your practical responsibilities with an open mind and a extreme willingness to adapt. By doing so you’ll set yourself up for a much, much smoother transition – and a fantastic start to your new adventure.
Good Luck!