My Beloved Zion
Zionism is a tree on the river’s edge,
A shield for our people, through ages of dread.
It’s the ancient homeland, settled anew,
Where deserts bloom, and skies turn blue.
Zionism is G-d’s promise fulfilled,
The land of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob still.
A right to self-rule, a sovereign claim,
Freedom to practice, to keep Torah’s flame.
A light to nations, a love profound,
In heart and mind, always around.
The dawn of redemption, G-d’s first sign,
Rewards for commands, divine design.
Jerusalem, eternal, undivided,
Exiles gathered, hearts united.
Foundation stone, Isaac’s binding site,
Jacob’s ladder, Heaven’s light.
Where G-d once dwelled, Temples grand,
He’ll return, as planned.
Twelve Tribes, diverse yet one,
Ashkenazi, Sephardi, Mizrachi, begun.
Orthodox, Conservative, Reform,
Hassidim, Haredim, Mitnagdim, norms.
613 commandments, traditions old,
From Lebanon’s border to Egypt’s fold.
Mediterranean plains, Central Hills,
Jordan Valley, Negev thrills.
Brave IDF, defenders true,
Messiah’s promise, peace anew.
Cities, moshavim, kibbutzim thrive,
Aliyah, innovation, drive.
Mossad, Shin Bet, proud and strong,
Hope and survival, where we belong.
Peace and democracy, strength and grace,
American friendship, alliance in place.
Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Haifa’s shore,
Be’er Sheva, unity evermore.