Ricki Lieberman

No excuses Democrats abroad: Global presidential primary ballot

To all American-Israelis and Americans Abroad,

I feel great!!!  I have just voted for Hillary Clinton in the Democrats Abroad Global Presidential Primary.  If you are eligible to vote in the US Elections, please take a moment to:

1)  join (or reactivate if you have joined before) Democrats Abroad and

2)  download the absentee ballot (see #6 below) for the Global Democratic Presidential Primary.  Please fill it out, scan and send it back by email to                           Other countries have actual polling places, but Israel does not.

The deadline is MARCH 8!

Please also pass along to friends, neighbors, family, colleagues, clubs and others to reach as many eligible voters as possible!

Let’s get a strong vote from American-Israelis for HILLARY – she is so smart, experienced, compassionate, thoughtful, tough, practical and effective, and has a great sense of humor.  She knows and cares deeply about Israel, with all our warts and miracles.  Hillary is clearly the best qualified to be President.  That she is a woman is a wonderful bonus.

At stake are 21 delegates to the Democratic Nominating convention in July

Please do not leave it up to others to choose; take this opportunity to make your voice heard!!!  NOW!!!!

Questions, please let me know.

ON TO VICTORY!                                                                               Thank you, and best,

Ricki Lieberman                                                                                      National Finance Committee

1. “You say you want a revolution, well you know, we all want to change the world.  You say you got a real solution, well, you know, we’d all love to see the plan.” The Beatles

Hillary Clinton: “I am not a single-issue candidate and I do             not believe we live in a single-issue country.”

2. Clinton condemns Iran’s cash offer for Palestinian terrorists,Democratic candidate calls promise of funds for killers an example of Iran’s ‘nefarious activities,’ urges sanctions for support of terrorism…Clinton supported the JCPOA. If elected, she vowed to strictly enforce the deal and curb Iran’s regional ambitions. She has articulated her strategy for enforcing the deal and preventing Iran from obtaining a nuclear arsenal as one of “distrust and verify.”

3. Feel the Fraud? PurplePower                                                              The Sanders campaign has been engaging in an artful smear of Hillary Clinton, using Elizabeth Warren to do their dirty work. Hillary Corrects the Record on the Bankruptcy Vote and…

4  MESSAGE FROM HILLARY ON FATCA                                     Friends —
Many of you have shared with me and my campaign the hardship caused by the implementation of the Foreign Accounts Tax Compliance Act, or FATCA — so I wanted to take a moment to explain where I stand.

FATCA’s intent was to catch wealthy tax cheats hiding money abroad. But in practice, banks are refusing to provide average law-abiding Americans abroad the basic financial services they need because of the compliance requirements of FATCA.

We need to solve this problem. I support working out an effective same country safe harbor proposal and finding a solution that works to give relief to law-abiding citizens, without weakening our rules against tax cheats. Financial institutions that enjoy the privilege of operating in our economy and abroad need to be held accountable.

Banking companies operating here at home and abroad need to faithfully demonstrate that they are meeting the everyday banking needs of law-abiding Americans abroad — while still making assurances that their services will not be used in illegal ways, such as funding terrorism or being used to launder money. It’s our responsibility to address these very real problems while also making sure that Americans abroad are having their needs met.

I’ll work hard to fix this critical problem for you and for your friends and family working abroad, proudly representing our country around the world.

Thank you for caring deeply about the issues in this election. It’s so important to engage in the political process — I’m glad to have supporters like you on my side.

5. Springtime for Trump

6. ABSENTEE BALLOT link                                                                                                    HRC



About the Author
Ricki Lieberman lives in Yafo, has been a senior executive in the private, public and non-profit sectors, a long-time activist in progressive politics. a proud Zionist and advocate of a democratic, Jewish Israel. She graduated from the Newton Public Schools, Radcliffe/Harvard College, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and the Kennedy School Senior Government Officials program. She has American and Israeli citizenship.
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