No Jew Left Behind
Today, Rabbi Schneur Kaplan of the Downtown Jewish Center Chabad in Fort Lauderdale spoke about the tragic murder of Rabbi Zvi Kogan, of blessed memory, in Dubai.
Rabbi Kaplan emphasized the global presence of Chabad shluchim (emissaries) like Kogan, who provide spiritual and material support to Jewish communities worldwide—”on every corner of here and there.” He described them as beacons of light, offering comfort and services such as prayer, tefillin wrapping, Shabbat candle lighting, and festive kiddush lunches, even in the most remote locations.
Rabbi Kogan, though not born into Chabad, became a vital emissary in the UAE following the Abraham Accords. Known for his goodwill, he was unfortunately abducted and murdered by terrorists last week.
Rabbi Kaplan spoke of how Rabbi Kogan, now in heaven, surely continues his good work and intercedes on behalf of all of us, especially the hostages still held in Gaza by Hamas. He compared Kogan to the Sassover Rebbe, known for redeeming thousands of Jewish captives in the 1700s. Upon the Sassover Rebbe’s death, it is said he continued redeeming souls in the afterlife, even negotiating the release of souls from hell.
Kaplan also highlighted the Rebbe’s teaching that Mashiach (the Messiah) will bring every Jew back, leaving none behind, unlike those left in Egypt during the first redemption. Emissaries like Kogan play a crucial role in this mission, bringing everyone closer to the next phase of spiritual existence and redemption.
In synagogue today, I also learned that the road to redemption is not a distant future event but can progress every moment through acts of goodness. An example was shared about a sick elderly gentleman in the community whose car had worn, unsafe tires. When he explained that he couldn’t afford new ones, the Chabad members quietly collected funds and replaced his tires, exemplifying what it means to do good and help our fellow man.
Inspired by figures like Rabbi Kogan and Rabbi Kaplan, and so many other wonderful Chabad Rabbis and their families, we can all be inspired to do good, serve Hashem, and help bring the final redemption very soon in our time. Spiritually, no Jew will be left behind!