Daniel Rosen

No Silver Bullet will solve our problems; become an Emissary4all

In conversations with citizens, leaders, wealthy individuals there seems to be a prevailing tendency to try and find one dimensional solutions to the immense challenges of combating antisemitism. There is a prevailing tendency to rely on one dimensional solutions—whether it’s passing a single piece of legislation, engaging with tech leaders to filter harmful content, or crafting the “perfect” messaging to explain Israel’s position. While these ideas have merit and would undoubtedly help, they represent only a piece of what is needed to turn the tide against the challenges we face. The hard truth is this: there is no silver bullet to solve our problems. The reality is that the answer is multidimensional and requires a tapestry of efforts undergirded by the power of people. This effort will take a long time and will be judged in inches not feet.

It is important to engage with powerful decision-makers; politicians, tech leaders, and communication strategists. But believing that these isolated actions alone can solve systemic issues is at best wishful thinking and at worst a dereliction of personal responsibility. The power of community organizing large numbers of individuals into coordinated action is of paramount importance.

Of all the places where coordinated action is necessary, social media is the most important place to have a presence because it plays a huge role in impacting the way people think about the world. Downstream from social media is where politicians are informed, educators are informed, as well as where general culture is defined. If we want to affect these things we have to affect the conversation on social media.

A comparison can be drawn to the military. No army is complete without all its branches: navy, artillery, armored divisions, air force, intelligence, and—most importantly—ground forces. While all components are critical, ground forces are the foundation of any military campaign. Without boots on the ground, an army ceases to function.

Our enemies have not been afraid to activate themselves in the masses. They have been working at this for the past 30 years. They did not achieve their successes through one law, one conversation, or one social media campaign. They have spent countless days and nights building their narrative, one person at a time. They have forged deep connections, infiltrated the educational system, and embedded their message into popular culture and social media. They have built a fortress, brick by brick.

To combat this, we must learn from their methods. We need a long-term, comprehensive engagement strategy that involves each and every ally committing themselves to this effort.

A new movement has launched in recent months called Emissary. Emissary is an app that strives to inspire minds and hearts to combat antisemitism and promote pro-Semitism in a coordinated way on social media. It empowers individuals to fight back against Jewish oriented hate by amplifying positive voices, exposing bad actors and forming communities dedicated to fostering understanding and elevating positive engagement. The goal is to use technology and coordinated social media campaigns to help people to leave their imprint in the public discourse and begin to affect change. Emissary utilizes grass-roots mobilization to reach out to Communities as well as unaffiliated individuals far and wide. No longer will people feel like lone voice in the wilderness. One has become ten which became 100 and then 1, 0000, and will become 10,000 then100, 000 and beyond. The goal is get Millions of emissaries to work together to affect a powerful shift in public opinion.  There are currently 2000 people who have downloaded the app and have created five million impressions. Become an Emissary by downloading (the completely free app) called Emissary4all. 

Downloading this app can represent the beginning of your action in becoming part of the solution. This is the beginning of a movement to take back the narrative!

As Theodore Roosevelt once said:

“Great thoughts speak only to the thoughtful mind, but great actions speak to all mankind. Yet, possibly, the greatest action is not the greatest thing done by a great man, but the sum of the many little things done by ordinary people.”

This quote beautifully highlights the importance of consistent, small actions. It is not grand gestures by a select few but the collective effort of ordinary people that creates lasting change.

There it is no silver bullet that will solve our problems. It is a long journey, but it is one worth taking. Together, with unwavering commitment, we will win this battle and secure a brighter future for all.

About the Author
Daniel Rosen is the former leader of the TorchPAC pro-Israel group at New York University whose activism against campus antisemitism was reported on in the New York Post, the New York Sun, and multiple Jewish newspapers as well as the Village Voice. He worked for the Jewish Agency and now serves as co-CEO of a local family business. Daniel has also been published in, Israel national news, Times of Israel blog, frontage magazine, and the Long Island Jewish world. currently, Daniel is the founder and president of Minds and Hearts a pro Israel advocacy group.
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