Blessings Abound
Nothing left but tears
A new song of sorrow and pain… The lyrics and a link to download the chords follow the video.
Lyrics © 2023 Alden Solovy, Music © 2023 Sue Radner Horowitz
Nothing Left but Tears
I must be made of water.
I have nothing left but tears.
Daughters. Mothers.
My spirit aching.
Sisters. Brothers.
A heart that’s breaking.
I must be made of water.
I have nothing left but tears.
Blood and terror.
Children dying.
Fear and anger.
So much crying.
I must be made of water.
I have nothing left but tears.
Oh this heartbreak,
Silence howling.
Oh this heart ache,
Terror prowling.
I must be made of water.
I have nothing left but tears.
Not just water.
These tears, they feed me.
My bones are iron.
My people need me.
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