Philip Gross

‘Oh Canada’ – Justin Trudeau and the Woke Apocalypse

The flag of Canada, known as the Maple Leaf, consists of two red vertical bands on each side and a large red maple leaf in the center on a white background. The red color signifies the sacrifices and valor of Canadian soldiers, the maple leaf represents the natural beauty of the country, and the white background signifies honesty, neutrality, and peace. Overall, the Canadian flag represents the country's identity, values, and rich natural heritage.
The flag of Canada, known as the Maple Leaf, consists of two red vertical bands on each side and a large red maple leaf in the center on a white background. The red color signifies the sacrifices and valor of Canadian soldiers, the maple leaf represents the natural beauty of the country, and the white background signifies honesty, neutrality, and peace. Overall, the Canadian flag represents the country's identity, values, and rich natural heritage.

“Antisemitism isn’t just a statistic—it’s the canary in the coal mine for a society in decline.”

While there has been a notable uptick in antisemitic incidents globally over the past decade and in specific since October 7th, there is one standout city in the developed world that takes the prize. Coming in at first place by a very healthy margin is the charming French-speaking but very North American city of Montreal. Overall, Jew hate in Canada is up by a staggering 670% year on year, and Jews who represent only 1.4% of the population are the victims of 70% of all religious crimes.

This is quite an achievement as it is the only sector in which Canada has triumphed over her southern neighbors. While the numbers speak for themselves, the shocker here is that Montreal’s favorite son is none other than Justin Trudeau, the original nepo baby and the ultimate product of privilege.

Antisemitism is a harbinger of societal breakdown. The rise in overt Jew hate is not just a statistic; it is a symptom of a deeper moral and cultural decline that has been allowed to take root and fester under the leadership of Trudeau.

Most people prefer the ordinary distraction of organized sports games, but I have always been fascinated by the political arena. Geopolitics is a sport like no other, with proscribed rules, seasoned players, and metaphorically bloodier than hockey. While other kids spent their Sundays glued to their screens watching football, I was entranced by Meet the Press and the gladiators who presided.

As an aficionado, you cannot limit yourself to democracies, and you must embrace the full gamut of the political spectrum, including monarchies, socialist regimes, communist politburos, despots, dictators, and of course, my personal favorite, Canada.

Once you have eliminated the exceptional, the mediocre, and the bad, you are left with one final group that defies categorization: the Trudeau. After a decade of watching him cavort and careen, all I can think is what is wrong with the Canadian constituency? What possessed our maple syrup-imbibing neighbors to imagine that this was a good idea?

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No one has single-handedly done more damage to Canada than this doe-eyed, angel-faced saboteur. While he does have a phenomenal head of hair, let us analyze for a moment the critical debate of incompetence versus malfeasance.

I do not think there has ever been a greater political self-goal than when, in November 2022, the prime minister of a first-world democracy brought an actual Nazi to Parliament. It is challenging to top that, but for this courageous leader, it was just another Monday at the office. BBC

Sending in the military to break up a peaceful protest of hard-working truckers was the single most authoritarian act of a free world leader in the style of Tiananmen Square, so extra points for that. BBC

Most recently, dancing like a Swiftie while Montreal burnt in the fires of a modern-day pogrom, beggars’ belief. Daily Mail

The catalogue of ineptitude and corruption is a never-ending source of amusement to the enemies of democracy.

Ignore for a moment the stagnating economy, the rising crime, the industries he has handicapped with his woke ideologies, and the ethical disintegration, and focus instead on the root cause. Why would a self-professed patriot dedicate his life and career to the destruction of the very fiber and fabric of a country that has historically achieved a modicum of respectability?

DAVOS, SWITZERLAND – JANUARY 20: Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau delivers a speech during the World Economic Forum, in Davos, Switzerland, on January 20, 2016. (Dursun Aydemir/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images)

While Justin might exemplify the worst of it, he is more the coiffed canary in the coal mine of a global trend than a regional outlier. Over the past few years, there has been a subtle creep within the global system of democratic governments that has displayed counterintuitive behavior to the institutions and citizens to which they swore an oath to uphold.

Like the Opium Wars in 19th-century China, where the British assumed control of the country by flooding it with narcotics, societies today appear to be in an opioid-induced state, willingly allowing this decay to take place.

Occam’s Razor suggests that the only rational explanation is that these people hate their country, revile democracy, and despise its citizens. While that conclusion would normally strike a chord with the conspiratorial, in this case, you do not need a tinfoil hat to conclude that sinister objectives are at play.

We are witnessing the wholesale destruction of once-glorious metropolises, now decimated to shoplifting nirvanas and public urinals. These actions are ones of malice, and the wanton abandonment of societal standards can only be attributed to a loathing of all things Western civilization has held sacred for centuries.

Trudeau might be the poster boy for this movement, but he is just a symptom of a malady that has infected Canada and crossed our northern border. We have somehow become obsessed with the notion of guilt, for harvesting the bounties that we have sown.

America was only made possible by the boundless ambitions of those who came before us. Manifest destiny is not hubris; it is pride, pride in being the first civilization in history to strive for legitimate equality and authentic liberty.

Of course, there have been missteps along the way, and obviously there is always room for improvement, but no society in history has ever attempted what we have done and built what we have built. America is more than just an economy; it is an economy built on an ideal, and at the very heart of it is life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It is that novel and previously untested principle that brought unparalleled success to these shores and readied the soils for the building of the greatest nation on Earth.

While Trudeau emodies all that is wrong with modern civilization, history has shown us that renewal is always possible. The ideals upon which these noble countries were built, liberty, ambition, and most of all resilience, can still light the way forward. It is time to reject the false humility of guilt and reclaim the well-deserved pride that comes from the sense of achievement in all that we have accomplished. The darkest hour is just before the dawn, and we must hold fast to the hope of a better tomorrow and the promise of better leadership that cannot come soon enough. The question is – will we rise to the occasion?

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“Ring the bells that still can ring, forget your perfect offering. There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.”— Leonard Cohen (Canadian)

About the Author
Manhattan born, London native, straddling both sides of the Atlantic with limited success in either. Mostly proud father of nine. Non denominational orthodox although occasional sinner. Business executive.
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