On why the Dutch do nothing, and Germans actively protect Jews
Something is rotten in the state of the Netherlands
Warning: Don’t expect me to solve the puzzle, or you’ll be disappointed. I found two dozen pieces, but the total jigsaw image is still unclear. That’s why this post is headed “On why the Dutch …” and not “Why the Dutch …”
One close Dutch friend of me proofread this post and became very upset with it. But another replied: “It really touches me what you write in your article. And that’s why I think it’s true. It’s even worse than I thought, but I recognize everything you write! It’s not easy to be confronted with this.”
Most of the below clips have an option for a running English translation.
When we talk about rotten teeth, we will ignore people who never had a hole in a tooth. There are exceptions to Gentile-Dutch passivity in the face of Antisemitism. We will only mention them in this paragraph.
Some 80% of Germans will protect Jews with their own bodies. They understand that an attack on Jews is their failure, not just bad luck on the Jews. They will never again let it happen.
The Germans understood something Israeli Jews learned too. When we were facing numerous Arab armies out to wipe us off the face of the earth, we were outgunned and doomed. How did we win each of the wars? We fought anyway. We had to. That’s what the Germans do. They will fight for Jews tooth and nail anyway, no buts, no ifs. Allies forever.
The Dutch like calm. They were upset about the Hamas Simchat Torah carnage, but their national news media are dominated by Jew-haters, so, quickly, they get to hear that Jews are not that clean themselves, Palestinians suffer too and worse, for 75 years, where two fight, two are guilty, and other neutralizing maneuvers. With a new neologism, it’s called jamarisme (yesbutism). Yes, the Jews have been massacred, but …
The Dutch PM and King are rock-solid allies of Jews, but on the ground, nothing happens. Already for 40 years, it’s unsafe for recognizable Jews to be in public in the Low Countries. No one does a thing. No one.
Growing up there, I didn’t know I felt unsafe. How does a fish know what’s water? Only when I went to Israel for 40 days, when I was 16, suddenly, I felt so so safe. Only then, I understood that in The Netherlands, I did not.
The Left (they love the Palestinians-though they never met one—but can’t get along with their Jewish neighbor) is too busy defending the artificial underdog, the Palestinian People against the have-its (Antisemitic dog whistle), the Jews. The Right is too busy being racist against Muslims. The o so reasonable Middle will just tell you the truth lies in the middle. And the Evangelicals sometimes do something but are way too busy worrying about their dwindling numbers and showing the superiority of their love for the Jews, so they won’t try to win over the rest of the public for Israel.
I should give an honorary mention of the intellectual Israel-liars. Here above a clip where the Dutch professor explains away Zionism and lies that the UK invited the Jews to Palestine. Facts are optional.
An extra ‘argument’ that pushes the Dutch to be ‘neutral’ is an age-old tradition of trying to keep everyone happy. Then you can trade and make a profit from all. They don’t see that being ‘neutral’ in the face of evil is evil.
Also most of my best friends do nothing. They love me, but they’re not Jews. They think it’s not elegant if you run to do something. They think that Jews exaggerate. The Dutch must stay calm and therefore passive. They are then reasonable and balanced, and by extension, you are an extremist. “On both sides, innocent people get hurt.” Another beauty is “The circle of violence should be stopped.” The false moral equivalence, masking that Hamas aims at civilians and the IDF tries not to hurt civilians; that Muslim Antisemitism makes two states impossible. To get things clearer for myself, often, I substitute Hitler/Nazis for Palestinian freedom fighters and Jews for Israel. Would it help in that classical setting to “call upon both Peoples to respect human rights”? Totally ridiculous, no?
Even when neo-Nazis and Hamas march together, the Dutch watch but won’t lift a finger. Not no one. Almost no one. Two years ago, there was a national demonstration for solidarity with the Jews; three people.
And then there are the workers and women (together, they are almost everybody) who feel too stupid, unimportant, and powerless.
They’ll cry you a river but won’t get you out of one.
Dairies from WW II show that the Dutch did felt terrible about the Nazis attacking, removing, and murdering Jews, but 95% did nothing but feel bad about it. That’s also Christian culture: It’s more important what you feel than what you do. When you’d be drowning (a Dutch example if there ever was one), onlookers would shout How terrible, but not rescue you. They’ll cry you a river but won’t get you out of one. The following Jewish secret is foreign to them: First, we will do, then, we will consider the details.
When Muslims entered the Netherlands in the Sixties to do the dirty work for pocket money, they also brought their Antisemitism with them. In fact, they radicalized to keep their identity, not to assimilate. While Turkish Gentiles in Turkey were warm and friendly to Jews and mostly secular, Turkish immigrants in the Low Countries became more religious and … unfriendly to Jews. Same thing for Jews from Morocco. (Also, when secular Jews leave Israel, often they become members of a synagogue to stay connected to their People.) The Dutch never dealt with Nazi-collaboration and passivity in WW II. So, when Muslims came in with open Antisemitism, that was a ‘win-win.’ The autochthone Dutch could blame them for being Jew-haters (not the pristine Dutch) and use it as yet another excuse to be racist and supremacist to them. Not so in Germany. When Syrian refugees en masse immigrated to Germany, they were told they needed to learn German and unlearn Antisemitism. Otherwise, they were not welcome.
And so, the Netherlands is getting less and less safe for Jews, while Germany is the safest and warmest place in Europe. It pains me to no end. It would have been easier if the Dutch were bad people—but they’re not. They are nice, regular, mild, friendly people, who just can’t get it together.
It’s painful when family, friends, and (social) media personalities whom you appreciated suddenly turn on you. They ‘know’ the Jews are not OK.
The Dutch have a culture with high norms of morality and responsibility. No use. Once, a physician spoke on Dutch TV about the harm of smoking. He brought down smoking from 70% to 20% or so. But when you explain that Jew-hatred needs their action, nothing happens. They’re not heroes. Compared to the Frisians, they’re cowards. The Dutch motto is: ‘Better shy than dead.’ Frisians say: ‘Better dead than slave.’ It makes a difference. In WW II, 75% of Dutch Jews were murdered. In Neighboring Belgium 27%. Still, the Dutch care, don’t hate Jews, but won’t help, whatever you say.