Only Bibi
Apart from the Super Bowl, Prime Minister Netanyahu’s upcoming speech in congress is the most hyped up event of the decade. Why is that? If it were any other leader it wouldn’t be such a big deal. What is it about our tiny little country that evokes so much emotion from all four corners of the earth?
As an English speaker growing up in Israel, I have always voted for Bibi. Who else can speak so eloquently for Israel except Bibi? Who else can manage this complicated region? Do you think it’s easy? It’s something he was born to do.
Now there is one thing I really don’t understand about this election. Please excuse my ignorance, but who is this Herzog guy? Where did he come from all of a sudden? Did he drop out of the sky and straight into the Knesset? I’m sorry, but I had never heard of him until a few weeks ago. I still have no idea who he is and don’t plan to research it at all. His 15 minutes will be up soon.
Bibi on the other hand is in for the long haul. He is a born leader and no one can argue with that. Deep down nobody really wants to see him go. But people everywhere are itching for change, and looking to our elected officials to provide a better future.
However this time around the change will come from a different place. It will come from deep in the heart of Israeli society. Without any warning, a wave of love will wash over the country and nothing will ever be the same. It will cleanse everything in its path and we will all wake up to a different world.
Now in case you didn’t notice I’m not really into politics, but I am into social change. And it’s coming, so get ready. Open your hearts, be good to the people around you, try to see the bigger picture. The whole world is watching Israel and waiting to receive an example of unity from us. That’s what this is really about. Bibi’s speech in congress is just another opportunity to focus on us and subconsciously be aggravated with Israel for not sharing the best thing it has to offer the world – a method of connection like no other.
Bibi, I trust you. Even though you are going to talk about war and nuclear weapons, I know you will manage to convey as always how dependent the whole world is on our special country. Though everyone is angry and not so pleased with us at the moment, I know you will find a way to turn this historic event into an opportunity to help the world love us again.
Josia Nakash is the founder of the Good Vibe Agency.