Our own ‘Greatest Generation’
“The Greatest Generation,” was the commanding nickname given to the generation that fought in World War II against the Nazi Axis. This generation, primarily shaped by the Wall Street Crash of 1929 and the ensuing economic depression, not only survived but also led the effort to save the free world from the Third Reich.
This generation earned its flattering nickname due to its resilience and robustness. The generation that endured poverty and was drawn into the violent whirlwind of global war, emerged stronger than before and led the world economy to unprecedented prosperity. If it weren’t for that generation, who knows where we would be today.
On October 7, our generation encountered cruelty known only to Holocaust survivors. Many of us faced death in its full force and had to fight in ways no previous Israeli generation had. We lost friends, commanders, and family members – but we endured and fought on.
In the midst of chaos, the words of our commander, Moshe Leiter, resonated powerfully within us and expressed the spirit that has accompanied us since that fateful October day. “We have no other army,” he told us at the end of a tense day in Beit Hanoun, “We do not have the privilege of deciding what we feel like doing or not doing. Not right now. We do things because they need to be done.” Four days later, Leiter was killed, but the message he instilled in us still lives on. It is no coincidence that there was a 130% enlistment rate in the reserves during the early days of the war. We rose and acted without hesitation and without unnecessary questions.
My team spent many weeks in the Gaza Strip, and afterward, moved up to Metula to defend the abandoned but beautiful northern region. We all left worried families behind and steady jobs, taking into battle the fears of the unknown fate. Despite the mental hardship, the turnout for reserve duty was high every single time. In fact, I believe this will continue to be the case for the next mission as well.
Indeed, these are grim times. The days are incomplete without the hostages and the much-desired calmness. However, this grim situation will not last forever. Not only because we have no other choice and reality forces us to rise above, but because I believe in my generation. We have discovered within ourselves a mental and physical resilience we never knew existed. Since October 7, the sense of mobilization and involvement has become the norm, characterizing not just a select few but an entire generation.
Thus, this is the shining hour of our generation. The task of rebuilding the economy, infrastructure, and leading the state’s future rests on our shoulders. We face immense challenges, but we are equipped with the lessons of the past and the determination of the present. Just as that generation saved the free world and led it to prosperity, so will we lead our country and our people to a safer and more prosperous future. We are, without a doubt, the next greatest generation.