Mirit Hoffman
Focusing on the elderly and their families

Pesach and Enduring Power Of Attorney have a lot in common. Who knew?


The holiday of freedom, celebrating our liberation from slavery.

We get ready for it weeks in advance (some of us even months but don’t tell..).

And then on Lel Haseder we finally we sit next to family and /or close friends and enjoy their company singing and reading the Haggadah.

Enduring Power of Attorney-

A document that we prepare and submit in advance, that gives us the freedom to choose how we would like our life to be handled if we, g-d forbid, lose our mental capacity and can no longer act on our own.

Preparing one is a process and can take weeks (and for some of my clients over a month) until it is ready for filing.

Once it is ready and submitted, we can continue to enjoy our life as normal, together with our family and close friends, knowing that we are now prepared for our future.

Wishing you all a חג פסח כשר ושמח!

About the Author
Mirit is a mother of three treasures and an attorney since 1996 who advises on all aspects of elder law. This includes Guardianship issues, and inter-generational transfer planning for individuals including preparing Wills, Trusts and Enduring Powers of Attorney's. She gives lectures on these important topics throughout the country, and has a column on the website Kipa discussing the relationship between grown up children and their elderly parents (a.k.a the "Sandwich Generation"). Coming from a strong background of U.S. and Israeli Taxation, Mirit has a holistic approach to issues concerning both jurisdictions and look at the bigger picture when dealing with concerns that involve dual citizenship. Currently her private practice is in Beit Shemesh.
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