Bernhard Rosenberg

Prayer at inauguration must fully support Trump (do not be politically correct)

I am very proud that a rabbi has been asked to offer a prayer at the inaugural. While I greatly respect Rabbi Hier who is the founder of a Yeshiva High School and the Wiesenthal Center, I question why a public supporter of Trump was not selected.

FOLLOW THE MONEY RABBI HIER . IF YOU ALWAYS SUPPORTED TRUMP PROVE ME WRONG AND I WILL APOLOGIZE. WHY DID YOU GIVE A NO COMMENT TO THE PRESS. WHY did you not openly support Trump, but attack him on some issues including the Muslims. I respect all that you have done for Judaism especially the Holocaust. This is not meant as an attack on you. I would have preferred someone who stuck with Mr. Trump throughout.

Did money donated to your cause influence you to agree to give the prayer at the inaugural? Perhaps I am being petty but I am only human. I certainly realize that many people worked hard for Trump and did not receive any thanks. Many of you are aware that as “Rabbi for Trump,” I fought for Mr. Trump for over a year and admonished President Obama for over eight years. Like many of you, I paid a heavy price.

Rabbi Hier, I sincerely ask that you publicly state that you support Mr. Trump. There are some who say it is good that one who criticized Mr. Trump, now feels for the sake of the country he should give the invocation. I congratulate you on this honor. Judaism is in great trouble and so is Israel. This is why I originally chose to support Trump when no other rabbi did.

Rabbi Dr. Bernhard Rosenberg
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About the Author
Rabbi Dr. Bernhard H. Rosenberg, rabbi emeritus of Congregation Beth-El, Edison, New Jersey received his ordination and doctorate of Education from Yeshiva University in New York. He also possesses A.A., B.A., M.A., and M.S. degrees in communication and education. He possesses a Doctor of Divinity from the Jewish Theological Seminary, New York. He taught at Rutgers University in New Jersey and Yeshiva University in New York. His books include: “Theological and Halachic Reflections on the Holocaust,” “Contemplating the Holocaust,” “The Holocaust as Seen Through Film,” and "Echoes of the Holocaust."
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