Quandaries in caring for COVID patients
I HAVE RECENTLY HEARD from trusted (?) media that PA’s are not allowed to treat COVID patients in local hospitals. Please tell me that it is a baseless rumor. If so, why so?
I have spent months in hospitals, sometimes with a communicable illness. Yet, I have been attended by numerous PA’s, who seem far more skilled, thorough, and caring than my MD’s. Now, whenever allowable, I request the services of a PA over an MD.
Again, are PA’s allowed to treat COVID patients, and to what extent? And if not, why not?
WE HEAR ALL THE TIME of COVID patients dying with no one loving by their side. The darkest of all tragedies.
QUANDARY: Do you know of any local clergy, when medically garbed, who routinely ministering to patients dying of COVID? — holding a hand in comfort, offering a prayer, reciting a Psalm, speaking softly and lovingly, or simply just “being there,” in what some caring people call the “ministry of presence”?
Do you know any rabbi, minster, or priest who brings his/her presence to minister to COVID patients in extremis, especially when they are lonely and alone?
If not, why not?
[BTW: Not long ago, I was hospitalized hundreds of miles away from home with a critical, non- contagious illness. It is a town served by 20 rabbis, many of whom knew that I was long-term in the hospital. Guess how many paid friendly pastoral visits? Only one. What is wrong with this picture?]