Richard H. Schwartz
Vegan, climate change,and social justice activist

QuestionsThat Should Be Asked Of Donald Trump

The 2024 presidential election might be the most consequential in US history. It is essential that Trump be defeated, and the following questions addressed to him could help prevent him from being reelected.

Since you made over 30,000 false or misleading statements during your administration and about 30 during the recent presidential debate, why should anyone believe anything you say?

Why are you still claiming that you won the 2020 presidential election when (1) your appeals to 60 of the 61 courts you appealed to, many with judges you and other Republican presidents appointed, were turned down, (2)  you did better on Election Day than pre-election polls projected, even ones conducted by Fox News, (3) other Republican candidates won their races on the same ballot that you claim were rigged, and (4) some congressional members and some of your appointees admit that you lost the election?

Why have you praised many dictators, including  Russia’s Vladimir Putin, China’s Xi Jinping, and Hungary’s Viktor Orbán? 

 During the rebellion by your supporters at the US Capitol on January 6, 2021, aiming to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election, why did it take you hours to tell your supporters to leave?

Why have you said you would pardon those convicted of participating in that outburst?

Given the overwhelming consensus of climate experts that the world is in great peril due to climate change and the recent significant increase in the frequency and severity of heat waves, wildfires, storms, floods, and other climate events, why are you still in denial about human-induced climate threats? Why have you called it a hoax many times? Why did you appoint other climate deniers to key environmental posts and make every effort to roll back regulations designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions during your administration? Why did you tell a meeting of fossil fuel executives that you would continue doing their bidding if they collectively donated a billion dollars to your election campaign? Has the fact that 13 consecutive months have  been the hottest for that month changed your thinking about climate change change?

Why have you stated that if you are reelected, you would like to be a dictator on day one?

What did you mean when you told Christians that if they voted for you and you were reelected you would fix things so they would never have to vote again?.

Why did you call Hezbollah “smart?” 

 Why did you pull the US out of the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, which was working well according to professional inspectors and most nuclear and strategic experts, enabling Iran to now be much closer to being able to create nuclear weapons and to be in a much better bargaining position for future negotiations?  

Why should other leaders be willing to make agreements with you as president since you unilaterally pulled the US out of the Iran nuclear deal and the 2015 Paris climate change agreement that was signed by all of the 195 nations in attendance, including the US?

Since you often are critical of Democratic immigration policies, why did you urge Republican legislators to oppose bipartisan legislation that would have greatly improved our border policies?

Why did you host known antisemites for dinner at Mar-a-Lago?

You have claimed that you can reduce terrorism, but why are you ignoring the concerns of military experts that climate change will increase the potential for terrorism as tens of millions of desperate refugees flee from severe climate events?

You often claim that other world leaders are stupid, but how smart is it for you to ignore the conclusions of science academies worldwide, 97% of climate experts, and almost all peer-reviewed articles in respected scientific journals that climate change is largely due to human activities and is a great threat to humanity?

 With the American Society of Civil Engineers giving the US’s aging, crumbling infrastructure a grade of D+, why did you not promote legislation to improve it during your administration?

About the Author
Richard H. Schwartz, Ph.D. is the author of Vegan Revolution: Saving Our World, Revitalizing Judaism; Judaism and Vegetarianism; Judaism and Global Survival; Mathematics and Global Survival; Who Stole My Religion? Revitalizing Judaism and Applying Jewish Values to Help Heal Our Imperiled Planet; and over 300 articles available at He is President Emeritus of the Center for Jewish Food Ethics ( and President of the Society of Ethical and Religious Vegetarians (SERV). Additionally, he was the associate producer of the documentary A Sacred Duty: Applying Jewish Values to Help Heal the World and is a Professor Emeritus of Mathematics at the College of Staten Island, part of the City University of New York. He now serves as a core member of the Executive Council at Jewish Vegan Life Inc (
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