There are two kinds of reality: what you see, and what you don’t.
There are two kinds of sight: what you see with your eyes, and what you see with your head.
There are two kinds of outcomes: good and bad.
There are two kinds of good: what looks good now, but ends up being not good, and what doesn’t look good now, but ends up being good.
In other words, things aren’t always the way they seem.
The Jewish people lost their Temple, and were exiled; but they brought light to the world.
Everyone thought Germany was enlightened, until the Holocaust happened.
Israel won the Six Day War, but then told the fleeing vanquished to stay.
Israel wanted to show the world how magnanimous it was by giving away land; intifadas and Hamas resulted.
Jews were divided; Hamas attacked.
Hamas inflicted tragedies; the Jewish people are united; soldiers are ready, with their lives, to defend the Jewish people.
A people love and obey their King; the King lifts up His people to victory.
Two thousand years of exile is a long time; the Jewish people still believe.
Redemption is something our ancestors dreamed of; Redemption seems imminent.
There are two kinds of reality: the expected that doesn’t happen, and the unexpected that does.
Because when you are dealing with reality, there are two ways to look at it.