Yonatan Gordon

Running a Company with Both Square and Round Personalities

Right brain or left brain? Nerd or Cool? Kabbalah, believe it or not, can bring them together
A young boy looks at an exhibition depicting thematic brain caricatures at the "First Station" in Jerusalem (Photo credit: Miriam Alster/FLASH90)
A young boy looks at an exhibition depicting thematic brain caricatures at the "First Station" in Jerusalem (Photo credit: Miriam Alster/FLASH90)

What follows is a short meditation on how to unite math and creative based personalities. The meeting ground hinges on the difference between research and observation. Which is more important to developing new discoveries, ideas: concrete data and research or creatively inspired ideas?


An important lesson in productivity (yesod) is learning how to neatly line up your marbles, the next line-up of projects and tasks without losing them all in a jumble.

One way is sequential, time based like FIFO, first-in first-out. But a fun part of life is navigating those LIFO, last-in first-out, moments. FILO can happen when we get very excited about some new project (light), but we still need to sit on it longer to make sure we can hold the light (vessel).

That leaves LOFI which apparently relates more to low quality music recordings (called “low fidelity”) than accounting like the other three.

Good Vibrations

Whereas an accountant can only calculate what’s before them, a musician can begin a new melody from even the faintest of “frequencies,” LOFI. We also find this search for faint sound, vibrations in physics. Signs of ringing could give support for multiverse theory.

LOFI for physicists looking for multiverse evidence is that they should be the first (FI, first in) to observe the LO (last outs) from higher dimensions. This is not unlike musicians and other creative souls that seek to hear even the faintest melody or idea to introduce to the world.

So which comes first: mathematics or observation? Theorizing the existence of black holes or gravitational apples landing on your head? Rather than a cute legend, the story (whether true or not) of an apple falling on Newton’s head reminds us of the hope behind observation. Whereas three of the four fundamental forces of nature can be unified, the fourth (gravity) is the most difficult.

To observe gravity, means to observe the unity of four. For instance, multiverse theory may help to unify all four. While the main “observer” today is CERN, the ability to observe higher dimensions is central to study of the inner dimension of the Torah, Kabbalah. To observe higher worlds and dimensions of consciousness.

Unity results from devoted study of Kabbalah. Appropriately enough delving the mysteries of the Torah is termed entering the apple orchard. But of the four sages who entered the Pardes (orchard) only Rabbi Akiva came out in peace. Good intention behind observation is key to unity. For more on how improper observation leads to dispersal, read: Learning to Teach with Encrypted or Discrete Messages.

High Fidelity Observations

The unity of four comes from simple faith. Even though vibrations from other worlds may be faint, LOFI (low fidelity), an observer’s fidelity to God should be high. There are four ways to enter the Pardes (orchard). Unfortunately many physicists today chose the path of Elisha ben Avuya who became a heretic.

Proper study of Kabbalah allows even a mathematician to begin counting information about other dimensions as part of his active study.

About the Author
Yonatan Gordon is a student of Harav Yitzchak Ginsburgh, and co-founder of
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