G. Orah Adarah Paris

Short Poem, inspired from Parsha Tetzaveh: Forever Beyond

A short poem I wrote inspired by Parsha Tetzaveh, Exodus 27:20

Forever Beyond

“That they bring to you pure olive oil beaten for the light, to cause a lamp to burn continually” (Exodus 27:20).

In sacred halls where prayers take flight,

The flame remains constant as we return.


What a gift, to connect with You anew,

We are a kindled flame that burns bright and true.

We realize we are One flame,

Together we experience this transformation game.


A union of discovery and passion,

We forever burn in harmonious fashion.


The wealth of purity that burns inside,

From its surface, also radiates far and wide.


Touching each and every mind,

Leaving a mark that’s so refined.


The olives are the light and sefirah of per­severance,

Known as Netzach making an appearance.


And bring also to bear Hod to set a mood

As we express a wealth of gratitude.


Product of our land of continuity,

Yesod, binding us in unity.


These sparks connect; they have great worth,

To Your earthy presence, they give birth.

In Malkhut’s sefirah, they find their place

And illuminate with divine grace.


In our hearts, the ner tamid, forever burns,

A yearning for You, as our soul returns.


The Torah tells of this holy flame,

Light that forever testifies to Your name.


Blazing bright and shining true,

Guiding us always, to remember we are One with You.

For more meditations inspired by Torah or to just discuss artistic ideas with Torah, email me at orahag1gmail

Biblical quotations are based on the English translation of the Jewish Publication Society of 1917, now in the public domain.

About the Author
For specific questions, contact me: A teacher of Torah, hypnotherapist, and artist. She has over 15 years experience organizing a variety of Jewish classes, and previously served as a synagogue board member and a Scout leader. She has studied psychology, physics, and Judaic studies. She aims to be elegantly interdisciplinary in all her work, to reflect the richness, beauty, and depth of life and Judaism. She is also finishing up her first novel, Girl Between Realms, a story of Jewish mysticism and Torah through the lens of one young woman’s journey. She recently published Better Than You Wished: Poetic meditations from Torah, Science and Life, link here: . She is based in Paris, (like her last name), where she promoted the first community-wide series of Jewish events on sustainability.
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