Dogan Akman

Terrorists against Israel: four questions

Should Israel advise Hamas and the Fatah that, unless they put a stop to their terrorist activities forthwith, Israel will promptly cease to provide medical services to the Palestinians who reside in their territories?

Should Israel advise Hamas and the P.A. that unless they put a stop to their terrorist activities forthwith, Israel will promptly refuse to provide medical services to one Palestinian who permanently or temporarily reside in Gaza and in the West Bank, a) for each and every act of terrorism i) attempted and committed from within these territories; ii) planned, attempted or committed in Israel and in the West Bank, and b) for each victim of a terrorist act?

I submit that the second alternative ought to be answered in the affirmative as it is an equitable proposal and puts the onus on Hamas and Fatah to spare the lives of innocent civilians while enabling their own people to benefit from the excellent medical services which they receive from Israeli doctors and hospitals.

Could Israel adopt any one of the foregoing two alternative strategies?

In the event, neither one of these is acceptable to Israel, is there a third alternative to protect the prospective Israeli victims by redressing the cruel imbalance between Israel’s generosity with the abject ingratitude of Hamas and Fatah when it comes to the health, life and death of Israelis?

About the Author
Doğan Akman immigrated to Canada with his family. In Canada, he taught university in sociology-criminology and social welfare policy and published articles in criminology journals After a stint as a Judge of the Provincial Court (criminal and family divisions) of the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador, he joined the Federal Department of Justice as a Crown prosecutor, and then moved over to the to civil litigation branch . Since his retirement he has published articles in Sephardic Horizons and e-Sefarad and in an anthology edited by Rifat Bali titled "This is My New Homeland" published in Istanbul.
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