Kenny Kodish

The Absurdity of Discussing a Palestinian State (again) Right Now

Amidst the endless noise surrounding the immediate objectives of this war that was foisted upon the state of Israel on October 7 is the renewed discussions of a Palestinian state. Really? Now? As the painful price in human life and suffering continues to grow and while our hostages remain in their barbaric hands could it be any more inappropriate to consider REWARDING Hamas and the Palestinians?

Example: A child learns that the circus is coming to town and he asks his parents if he can go. His parents say, “No”. In response the child burns down their home. And as they are sitting amongst the ashes and debris, the parents turn to the child and say, “OK, we’ll get you tickets to the circus.”

Absurd? Ridiculous? Now here’s why this example does not even apply in this situation. Israel has offered the Palestinians their own state. Repeatedly. And their response has always been NO (and in some cases then followed by an Intifada). The attack of Oct 7 was not about the Palestinians being denied a state. It was about the Jewish People still being denied theirs.

There will be much to do and to discuss “the day after”. The physical and emotional damage to be repaired and healed (to whatever extent it can be) is vast. But in the meantime, what must singularly demand the attention of our leaders is to emerge victorious by achieving as completely and convincingly as possible the objectives of this war.

About the Author
Kenny Kodish is a writer and tour operator, residing in Neve Daniel. He is the founder of Israel Legacy Tours and has worked in senior management in Jewish non-profit and the hospitality industry.
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