The devolution of South Africa
South Africa is a pivotal nation, rich with historical significance and brimming with suppressed and wasted potential. Once a symbol of triumph over apartheid and an emblem of democratic aspiration, South Africa’s political devolution towards failed state status has been a catastrophic disaster. Recent shifts in its foreign policy have only added alarm, particularly within the Christian community, regarding the direction of the nation’s governance and its implications for Christian majority and other minority religious freedom and stability.
The decades-long, embedded governing party in South Africa – the African National Congress (ANC) has sidelined South Africa’s Christian majority and moderate Muslim South Africans, and turned in full obsequious groveling towards radical Islam and other authoritarian regimes, most especially Hamas and Hezbollah. This compromises the safety and rights of Christians both within and beyond South Africa’s borders. South African ANC politicians commonly appear to be “for sale” and seem to have traded South African policy at the expense of Christians.
Since assuming power, the ANC has introduced more race-related legislation than the previous Apartheid government.
Endorsements by ANC officials of organizations with anti-Christian stances pose serious questions about the party’s dedication to religious pluralism and tolerance. Hamas and Hezbollah are brother organizations to Boko Haram, Al Qaida, Al Shabab, PFLP, Ansaru, ISIS and other African Islamist groups active in murdering Christian Africans throughout the continent.
South Africa’s increasing submissive bonding with authoritarian regimes, including Iran, Russia, China North Korea and Qatar, has alarmed observers. This alignment raises fears that these partnerships have already undermined democratic values and human rights. The ANC’s eagerness to engage with governments known for oppressing religious minorities has stoked apprehensions that South Africa’s foreign policy has veered dramatically away from its foundational constitutional ideals and eradicated its previously held moral authority. The South African government is no longer “non aligned”, it is now firmly Islamist and authoritarian aligned. The history of South Africa has become a transactable commodity for an utterly corrupt South African government to sell for profit or personal grandstanding. These government officials also prove themselves captured by foreign state actors to distract from their own dismal failures as leaders.
This ideological shift in foreign policy extends beyond mere strategic maneuvers, showcasing a deeper alignment with anti-Western and anti-Christian ideologies. Prominent ANC leaders, such as President Cyril Ramaphosa and Minister of International Relations Naledi Pandor, face accusations of championing foreign agendas which prioritize ties with political Islamist organizations over the principles of democracy and human rights, and over the interests of their own South African constituency.
South Africa’s overt support for anti-Israel initiatives, including its backing of Hamas, Hezbollah, the IRGC, and the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement, has strained relationships with long-standing allies and raised serious concerns about its stance on global counter-terrorism efforts. The prospect of 250,000 unemployed South Africans as a result of the proposed cancellation of AGOA, has shown the ANC uninterested in South African needs and priorities, merely their own personal profits and private wealth. The ANC are unconcerned about long-term consequences for South Africa as they have no forward planning other than their own instant gratification. The South African populace have been abandoned.
Grandstanding is the ANC domestic political platform for re-election.
Compounding these issues are allegations that South Africa has financially supported terrorist organizations, including Hamas and ISIS. Reports of illicit financial transactions and covert backing of extremist groups paint a terrifying inverted picture of South Africa’s role in global security and stability. South Africa is no longer considered a legitimate political leader by the world.
The ANC, once lauded as a champion of liberation and unity, now finds itself under intense international scrutiny over its policies. Allegations of corruption, mismanagement, and an ideological shift toward the Muslim Brotherhood overshadow its leadership. South Africa’s political orientation is merely a tradeable commodity on the world stage.
The devolution of South Africa is almost complete. Since ANC takeover, approximately one million South Africans have died from starvation or disease. South Africa is now the murder capital of the world. The national infrastructure has collapsed, allowing cholera to rear its ugly head, joined by genocidal murders of white farmers, lack of electricity, water and other basic services. This has created an overall culture of impunity that gives way for radical extremism to function without hindrance.
These ongoing developments prompt a critical question: Should Christians be concerned about South Africa’s domestic and foreign policies? Obviously, they should. The ANC’s pivot towards radical Islamist agendas and its disregard for the rights and safety of religious minorities and majorities signal significant issues that warrant attention from both within South Africa and internationally.
Violent attacks in Africa against Christians are rising. In recent years, thousands of Christians have been slaughtered, forcibly converted to radical Islam, kidnapped for ransom or sexual enslavement, and/or driven out of their homes and into refugee camps. Such a pattern is called “religio-ethnic cleansing” though it may amount to legally defined genocide. The pattern and trend see this knocking on the borders of South Africa with an ISIS presence in Mozambique and ISIS activity in South Africa that goes unchecked and is allowed to operate freely.
As South Africa charts its future course, it stands at a crucial crossroads. The decisions made by its leaders will shape the nation’s destiny for years to come. Whether the ANC can restore its moral standing and guide South Africa towards a future marked by peace, prosperity, and religious tolerance is yet to be seen.
Until South Africa completely rejects its current course of national self destruction, the US Government should revoke AGOA and cease incentivizing catastrophically bad governance by the ANC Government.