The fight for Jewish lives continues – from Kristallnacht and back again
There is a straight line from Point A to Point B: from the moment the UN gave the land of Palestine to Jews and Arabs, the fault line was built in. When the UN, which arguably is the most biased voice against the right of Jews for self-determination, recognized the Jewish State, that part of Palestine that then became Israel, they kept a failsafe in place to undermine the very existence of the state.
They created UNWRA, an organization which has increased the “Palestinian” refugee population ten-fold. It is the most funded refugee population in the world that continues to grow. And for 75 years this population has been indoctrinated to HATE Jews, Israeli or not, to DEMAND the land of Israel be returned to them. Many wars have been fought over Judea/Palestine/Israel and none of them started by the Jews. They were all Arab wars, from the day after the declaration of the state of Israel. No country or UN created refugee agency stepped in to resettle the approximately 700,000 Jews expelled from Arab countries.
Israelis and Jews are people. Israelis and Jews will no longer allow themselves to be beaten, chased, spit on, burned alive, raped and murdered because the Islamic Jihadists of the world…and they are everywhere, want to annihilate the people and land of Israel, of Zion.
I have not sat quietly since October 7, 2023. I have been amazed at how my meek attempts at letter writing and social media posting, that the WhatsApp groups of activist letter writers that number in the thousands, are merely grains of sand on an ever growing beach full of antisemitism.
I lived as an expat in Amsterdam for 8 years, until 2023. It was a culture of tolerance, of acceptance, of taking in refugee populations. Or so I thought.
I am back in the US. I hear the calls for closing borders. I hear the rhetoric of the left condemning Jews aka Israelis for everything that has befallen us. Even after seeing rapes of women, burned out homes on October 7, 2023, it is still our fault. After watching an unconscious Israeli on the streets of Amsterdam being kicked by Muslim thugs, I believe it is time to SHOUT. It is time to condemn the radical elements of Islamists, including the Imams, including the students, including those born in this country and Europe. The Jews are one of the smallest minority populations in the world, 0.2%. Israel is the only Jewish country in the world. Over 700,000 Jews were banished from Arab countries without the help of an UNWRA. But these facts do not matter to most. What should matter is when a human being is targeted and a country of human beings are targeted simply because they are Jewish. Plain and simple.
It is time for this to end. If you are antisemitic, go be antisemitic, if you are racist or sexist or misogynistic, be who you are. But the leaders of the free world better sit up and take notice that ‘hunting Jews’ will lead sooner, rather than later, to ending Democracy and freedom as we know it. It is time to dismantle the antisemitic world we live in, from the UNWRA to NPR to the AP to BBC to the halls of academia. It is time to educate children from kindergarten age that Israel is a sovereign nation state, that the Jewish people created it and made it thrive, that the country previously known as Palestine is now Israel. That the people in Gaza, in the West Bank are Arabs.
It is time to destroy the “Palestinian” curricula that UNWRA created and many in the west have adopted as the Islamists set up their parallel society.
You want book banning? Start with the text books of UNWRA that teach children a false narrative and justify murder of their neighbors.
You want to stop book banning? Then stop cancelling Jewish and Israeli authors.
Jew Hatred: the place the far left and the far right meet in the middle. It is time to stop it.