The future of Israel is in our hands
Across the vast expanse of time, the destinies of nations have been shaped by their leaders, men whose decisions have etched indelible marks on history, leading their peoples to the brink of disaster. Four examples stand out in this human tragedy, where the blindness of power dragged kingdoms and empires into ruin.
First, we have Nero, the Roman emperor, whose folly set Rome ablaze. His extravagances and persecutions undermined the foundations of the empire, and when the city burned, the lack of leadership and imperial madness left the people in despair and chaos. His arrogance was so immense that he believed himself to be a living god, incapable of hearing or understanding his people’s cries.
Moving forward, we encounter Louis XVI, the last king of France before the Revolution. His inability to grasp the hunger and fury simmering among the French led to the fall of the monarchy. The luxury of Versailles brutally contrasted with the misery in the streets of Paris, and the guillotine did not forgive his ineptitude. He was so out of touch with reality that he thought he could quell the storm with empty promises.
Another tragic example is Nicholas II, the last czar of Russia. His stubbornness in maintaining absolutism in an era of irreversible changes ignited the fuse of the Bolshevik Revolution. Ignoring calls for reforms, he saw his empire crumble amid war and revolution, ending in a grim fate for his family. Nicholas, blinded by tradition and pomp, failed to see his throne eroding beneath him.
Finally, we have Kaiser Wilhelm II, whose belligerence and imperialist ambitions plunged Germany into World War I. The humiliating defeat, followed by the Treaty of Versailles, sowed economic and social desolation that paved the way for future disasters. His arrogance and lust for power overshadowed the need for peace and understanding.
What unites these leaders in their downfall is arrogance, moral corruption, and the inability to hear the murmurs of their people—a blindness that distanced them from reality until it was too late. Each, in their own way, failed to see the warning signs, leading their nations down the path of destruction.
Now, let us turn to Benjamin Netanyahu and his far-right government. The echoes of history resonate in their decisions, decisions that, if left unchecked, could drag us into an equally dark future. Four errors emerge as harbingers of our ruin.
First, the marginalization of moderate voices, an echo of past purges and persecutions, where plurality is silenced in favor of a narrow, singular vision. Like Nero, Netanyahu seeks to stifle dissent, drowning democracy in a sea of arrogance and corruption.
Second, the continued expansion of settlements in occupied territories fueled the cycle of violence and retaliation. This mirrors Nicholas II’s obstinacy in maintaining an unsustainable status quo, ignoring the explosive tensions brewing beneath. Netanyahu, like Nicholas, clings to an outdated vision, unable to see the fragility he fosters.
Third, the erosion of democratic institutions, where power concentrates in increasingly authoritarian hands. This path, tread by Nero and Louis XVI, shows how centralizing power and repressing civil liberties can dismantle the foundations of a stable society. Netanyahu, in the mirror of Louis XVI, isolates himself in his palace of illusion while discontent grows in the streets.
Finally, the inflammatory rhetoric alienates allies and fosters enmities. Just as Kaiser Wilhelm II’s aggression isolated Germany, Netanyahu risks isolating Israel on the international stage, increasing pressure and sanctions; his belligerence echoes the Kaiser’s, closing his eyes to the consequences of his words and actions.
If not corrected, these errors can lead us to a fate similar to that of once-mighty empires, now remembered only for their downfall. History has painfully taught us that the blindness of leaders and the inaction of the governed can destroy even the most resilient nations. Netanyahu exemplifies nearly all that pertains to the ruin of the state of Israel, repeating the patterns of arrogance and corruption that sealed the fate of so many before him.
In this era of uncertainties, vigilance and resistance against such errors are crucial to divert our destiny from an announced tragedy. Only we, the people, can prevent this. The path to ruin is mapped out, but we can still find redemption if we dare to learn from the past and change our course. The future of Israel is in our hands, and our still, free voice is the echo of hope against the silence of destruction.