The Only Way Out of War, Is Wisdom
We believe that the rules and regulation of global law, the UN, public opinion, overwhelming hatred and the desire for Israel’s annihilation … define our ability to act. But we are on a much higher level and can open to receive the wisdom that is absolutely relevant to this moment.
What are we supposed to do?! It is impossible to negotiate with terrorists. We cannot allow our borders to be weakened. We must bring the hostages home immediately. Terror organizations and the depth of corruption we’ve uncovered must be obliterated. Public opinion has to be infused with moral clarity. Each of these is imperative, but we cannot realize them from conventional intelligence.
Wisdom is distinct from conventional intelligence. Wisdom lies beyond the thinking mind and is the aspect of mind that is at peace. This is the beginning of true and lasting peace, in ourselves, in our homes, in our country and in the world at large.
We are not a victim to this situation. Yes, it is unthinkable, devastating, unimaginable pain. The grief we are feeling is so powerful that we are collapsing into anger and hatred, looking anywhere for something to blame in order to relieve the intensity. So we’re looking at each other because we all have differing views. But this weakens our potency. Our point of view, is one part of the whole, all of us is essential.
All the devastation, anger, rage, confusion etc… are building blocks for inspired action. We are the light unto the nations, the intensity of our shared experience, no matter what side of the issue we’re coming from, each person, we are all equally ignited with the desire for peace. True peace: Freedom from the intensity, freedom from the insanity, freedom in the immediacy of whatever our experience may be. And to act from here.
Israel has the greatest weapon, our wisdom. Our intelligence comes from the humility of knowing that we are connected to the Creator. Our thinking mind and the strategies we have adopted from the West get in the way of our ability to simply ask for divine guidance. We will receive it within our own minds once we let go of our need to be right and acknowledge that we do not know.
Wisdom aligns us with solutions that are beyond convention. We don’t need all the answers. We just require the next right action. Knowing that we will access the guidance that is perfect for each moment.
All the systems and structures are collapsing as we elevate to a much higher level. The Jewish people are able to see through what the rest of the world cannot right now. This is a gift. This is our strength. Playing the game that the rest of the world is engaged in, will only bring us down. It is time to focus our support, attention, thoughts & activities toward Israel, and Israel alone. To support ourselves and each other to strengthen, build and access solutions that come from beyond the impossibility of the situation we are in.
This is the greatest strategy. We do not need to protect ourselves by thinking five steps ahead. The protection lies within our wisdom because in it lies the humility of not knowing. We do not know what is going to happen five steps ahead. In that not knowing we receive guidance in the moment that is the highest direction for this circumstance, one that will honor everyone.
We can trust this. We can KNOW this to be true.
– Dedicated in loving memory of those we have lost, may you rest in peace