Elazar Larry Freifeld

The Tear in the Devil’s Eye: The Moral High Ground V.S Military Action

You may very well take the moral high ground, but history has proven over and over and time again that without decisive military action there would be no ground to take, either left or right. Recently in Afghanistan and Iraq, western democracies have been calling for the formation of ‘inclusive’ governments to represent all cultural, religious and secular factions. How would it be possible to include ISIS or Hamas in a government that wishes only to destroy that government to which it was duly elected? One need only change the demographics of a nation through immigration to destroy democracy, simply to gather more votes for re-election.

Here politics and propaganda play dice with good sense, and would have you believe that the ‘right thing’ is preferable to defending your own country from chaos and coming disaster. I mean how real does it get with ISIS at the foot of the white house door calling for jihad against America! Wake up! Don’t be deterred by that tear in the devil’s eye, it is not for you. If you will not fight for God and country, the least you can do is fight to protect your home, your family and your Nation.

Better to die in freedom than live in bad faith, either way.


About the Author
Born April 15, 1941 in Manhattan, of Jewish immigrants from Poland and Galicia, Elazar spans three literary generations from the streets of New York to Tel Aviv. His poems and stories have appeared in numerous books, literary magazines, newspapers and anthologies throughout the world. Since first publishing in 1964, he has had 17 books published, including The Importance of Swimming, Television Analogs, Love Cycles, A Jew in the House of Harvard, Poet's Guide to the Holy Land, The World According to Animals and What Walks. A Jew in the House of Harvard was awarded first prize by the Israel Federation of Writers for the year 1987. Translated into 8 languages, including Hebrew, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Turkish and Hungarian, Elazar's readings and seminars include such venues as, The New School for Social Research, The Whitney Museum School of American Art, WBAI Radio, WNET TV/Channel 13, CBS TV/Video at The School of Visual Arts, and the American Embassy in Tel Aviv. During the Scud War in Israel, continuing a career begun in the U.S., Elazar wrote a weekly column for The Jerusalem Post and is now contributing editor of LeConte Publications, in Rome.
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