The theater of life – Life is like a lighted stage
The School of Life
Life is like a stage. In the theater of life, you are cast in the spotlight. And here begins the first class in the longest and most complicated school of all, the school of life.
You are in the spotlight for a good reason, but do not delude yourself even for a moment, into thinking that the reason is for you to receive applause.
Throughout this production, you will have many disappointments, you will be criticized, and you will not always be applauded for your performance in this cast.
The second mistake we make in the school of life, is to think that we are the only one acting on stage when, in fact, we are part of a large cast.
Therefore, remember: there are no human beings without substitutes, with or without you, the show must go on.
In the school of life, we learn not only to live, but to live together. And those who forget that they are not alone in the world, in the end get lost inside themselves, trying to escape the crowd that surrounds them. These people become self-centered and petty.
Do not forget that the meaning of “not being alone” is much more than being present in the classes of the school of life. You are at that school to participate actively, not to be an apathetic student or just a spectator.
The school of life will require you to be a creative student, a collaborator and not someone who is only there to enjoy what has to be offered. The school of life expects you to be a “giver” and not just a receiver.
For the mistakes you will inevitably make, you will have to pay a certain price, but remember that because they are part of the cast, others may also be burdened with paying for your mistakes as well. After all, you are part of a team, a cast and not just a solo act.
Giving is very different from receiving. The pleasure of giving is much greater than the pleasure of receiving. The school of life, like that entire cast, expects you to give as much as you have, and the more you learn to give, the more easily you can replenish what was given.
The sensation is a kind of magic.
Look at each of your friends as if you were a student in the school of life and learn from them the good and positive things they have to teach us, and believe me, everyone has something to teach us.
Do not expect more than friendship has to give. Keep in mind that we are different students, with different desires, different personal skills and we will not always have the understanding and friendliness of friends. Treasure friendships as you would a rare and valuable object, because true friendship is rare and worth more than gold.
How many times do we find ourselves in situations where we are judged negatively because we cannot, or do not even know how to, react in the exact way that is expected of us? Yet this does not make us a bad friend or even a bad person.
You cannot change the opinion or reaction of others, the only thing you can control is how you will react. Remember that we are different and although we attended the same school of life, each one learned what he thought was more appropriate and it was not always the same as you.
Also, don’t expect too much, because the less expectations you have of other people, the less disappointments you will have. Learn to forgive and start with the most important person in your life, you, otherwise you will not be able to forgive anyone else.
Accept the fact that in the school of life, the course is eternal and we never finish the curriculum.