The Torah of the Current Messiah – XVIII
The Book: The Second Coming
The book The Second Coming was my first published book and summarized some main ideas of the Torah of the Current Messiah. Its writing and publishing was a long story with many stages: a) Prologue: ; b) Mystical Link with the Divine Masters and developing my spiritual bodies; c) The Vision of the Mandala of the Heavenly Jerusalem; d) Describing the Initiations at the four cardinal points of the Mandala; e) Preliminary work on the Book with Mary-Susan in Leenane and Dublin; f) Completing the book in Bernadette Yoga Centre; g) Editing, Correcting and Preparing the manuscript for publication; h) Book Launch;
Prologue and Mystical Links with the Divine Masters
After my brother’s death, I decided to give up my personal life. Four years later I came across the book The Great Initiates by Édouard Schuré. It included inspired stories about Hermes, Moses, Rama, Krishna, Zoroaster, Buddha, Orpheus, Plato, Jesus Christ and other great spiritual Masters. I felt this as an impulse to devote myself to the spiritual growth of humanity in response to its greatest fall – the Holocaust! Therefore, I began to study the various world religions, including the Kabbalah. In them, I look not so much for the religious tradition, the established culture or the Path they were leading. My main focus was to link with the Great Initiates who came from G-d to bear fruit from the Tree of Life. In essence, this was the Messianic Line which, according to the prominent late Kabbalist Z’ev ben Shimon Halevi, begins from Enoch and passes through Abraham, Zoroaster, Buddha and other great Divine Masters.
As a result, after about 50 years of spiritual journey filled with many trials, challenges and insights, I have more than 20 books, about 500 international lectures and seminars, a website (, a documentary film, The Revelation (YouTube channel TheRevelation215), as well as many media activities. Of course, this was a common teamwork with friends from many countries and organizations. I could summarize that this relatively large series of books is like a Program for the Mission of a Current Messiah.
Receiving the Vision of the Mandala of the Heavenly Jerusalem
On August 27, 1982, I received the illumination of the Mandala of the Heavenly Jerusalem. This was a staggering vision of the Heavenly Jerusalem, the Holy City with its Twelve Universal Gates which are the Gates to the spiritual realities of the world religions. I realized that this was the message for the new Millennium, for the Epoch of Aquarius – to appreciate the Kingdom of God with its many mansions! Truly, it was a glorious and majestic vision. I was deeply inspired by it and I understood so many things which would happen, not only in the following years, but throughout the whole New Millennium.
I received the vision of the Kingdom of God in the form of a Zodiac-Mandala (a symbolic image of the Universe and the epochs in the Indo-European Cycle). At the centre of this Mandala was the Absolute Origin of Being, the Cosmic-spiritual Sun which radiates the Light of Creation. This Light manifested through Metatron, personified by the images of the Divine Masters – Hermes, Moses, Krishna, Buddha, Zoroaster, Christ, Muhammad, Beinsa Douno and many other Divine Masters, together with their Feminine Partners, as they appeared in the various historical epochs. It was a staggering new Universal Mandala in which we could contemplate the light of the Divine Masculine and Feminine Masters and at the same time, link with the centre of the Mandala which is the mystery of the three highest Sefiroth in the World of Creation – Keter-Hokhmah and Binah.
The interpretation of the Holy City as a cosmic-spiritual Zodiac allows us to integrate all spiritual epochs in the Indo-European cycle of evolution (from the previous Golden Age, the last Satya Yuga, to the coming new one) in a gigantic Zodiac-Mandala. This is the contemplation of all human history on Earth in the panorama of the great metahistorical ‘cosmic-spiritual year’ in the life of humankind. In essence, this Zodiac-Mandala is the key to a new Integral Pentecost which comes as a conclusion to the great Indo-European cycle in the history of humankind and gives the impulse for the beginning of the New, Heavenly-Jerusalem Cycle, of evolution in the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth.
Describing the Initiations at the four cardinal points of the Zodiac-Mandala
During the events of 1982, I received enlightenment about the Kingdom of God with many mansions. I felt called to write it down and to share it with the world. The work on this message took about three years and resulted in the manuscript of The Book of Resurrection which interprets the Heavenly Jerusalem, from the visions of the prophets Isaiah, Ezekiel and St. John, as a majestic Cosmic-spiritual Zodiac-Mandala of the Heavenly Jerusalem. In it the different spiritual worlds revealed by the world religions are the “mansions in the Kingdom of God“.
Inspired by the vision of the Zodiac-Mandala of the Heavenly Jerusalem, I started working on the description of the Initiations at the four cardinal points – the Cosmic Autumn, Winter, Spring and Summer. For this purpose, I had to merge with the ‘Cosmic-spiritual bodies’ of Buddha, Christ, Beinsa Douno and the Holy Spirit and to depict all characteristics of the initiations connected with them.
For about three years, almost every day, I began to ascend into higher states of consciousness and to merge with one or another Divine Master, contemplating and writing down the secrets of the Universe which they revealed. Initially I wrote four chapters – consecrated to the four cardinal points of the Zodiac-Mandala, i.e. to the cosmic-spiritual Summer, Autumn, Winter and Spring. They described the Initiations of Buddha, the Lord Jesus Christ, the World Teacher Beinsa Douno and the Holy Spirit. The work on each one of these Initiations took about five or six months. In order to describe each Initiation I had to ascend to the Causal World, to merge with the Divine Master in charge of the Initiation and to write down the visions and the insights. This was inspiring but, from time to time, difficult work, especially when I was brought back on Earth unexpectedly by a telephone call or other earthly distractions.
My style of life during these years followed a pattern: getting up in the morning and doing my prayer-meditation, then ascending to the spiritual world of one or another Divine Master, merging with Him and describing his Initiation. At the end of the day I would relax, come back on Earth to sleep and the next day – ascending again. In the process of describing the Mandala, my feeling, during those days, was that in the morning I was dying to the earthly life and becoming born to the celestial life, while in the evening it was the opposite – dying to the celestial life and coming back on Earth. At the beginning this process was quite traumatic but in time it became easier.
The initiations at the four cardinal points formed the main typological structure of the Zodiac-Mandala of the Heavenly Jerusalem. All other initiations gravitate to one or another of these four types depending on their place on the Mandala. Similar to the Buddhist Mandala, the main initiations at the four cardinal points had to be presented in a symbolic form through different spiritual characteristics such as universal direction, earthly manifestation of the Divine Spirit, feminine counterpart, element, colour, posture and others. In order to describe the essence of the initiations at the cardinal points of all three circles of the Mandala (the outer, middle and inner circles), however, I had to introduce many more spiritual characteristics and concepts: cosmic phase, universal principle, mission, view of earthly life, type of transcendence, spiritual practice, model of the universe, structure of creation, spiritual transformation of the human being, symbol of initiation, sublime state of consciousness and ultimate reality. Then, with the help of all these spiritual characteristics and concepts I presented the various Initiations.
After two years of intensive work on the four cardinal points, I considered my main work on the Zodiac-Mandala of the Heavenly Jerusalem completed. I was greatly surprised however when I met a clairvoyant friend and she told me: Heaven is happy with your work but it is not finished yet. You have to include one chapter more. I wondered for a few days what could it be and at some stage an insight came to me: yes, of course, I have to write about the Hindu tradition, which opened the Indo-European cycle and was connected with the previous Golden Age. A few years previously I had read the inspiring book of Paramahansa Yogananda, Autobiography of a Yogi and the time had come to receive this Initiation. In an amazing story with the Divine Guru Babaji I receive his Initiation and included the Southern Universal Gate leading to the Initiation of the past Golden Age.
In regard to the Gates of the Holy City, after the work on the Zodiac-Mandala of the Heavenly Jerusalem was completed, I was able to contemplate and see metaphysically four of its Gates ‘widely open’: the Hindu, the Buddhist, the Christian and the Gate of the Master Beinsa Douno. Also I saw the Gates of Judaism, Islam and Zoroastrism, but only partly open. At the same time, the twelfth Gate, the Gate of the Holy Spirit, was opening gradually through my visions in Prague, the thirty-seven Messages from the Holy Land and the work on The Book of Resurrection. The process of opening the twelfth Gate had advanced, but a lot more work had to be done! This last Gate is connected with the reality of the New Heaven and the New Earth where all twelve Gates will be widely open and humankind will live in the New Golden Age.
Preliminary work on the Book with Mary-Susan in Leenane and Dublin
In August 1989, the friendly Tuffy family offered me and Mary Susann a week trip to the West Coast. Our first stop was Croagh Patrick were I started dictating the content of the book The Second Coming. Then we went to Leenane and for five days, staying in the hotel there, we prepared a synopsis of the main ideas for the Second Coming, or the New Coming of the Divine Masters. Based on my metaphysical and mystical contact with the Divine Masters, I began to envisage the event of their New Comings in our consciousness.
The preliminary work on the book The Second Coming was very inspiring and promising. Mary-Susann and I had moments of great joy and enthusiasm. Every day, after the work, we went for walks in the picturesque hills around Leenane. During these walks we contemplated the beauty of the amazing scenic pictures which surrounded us. For instance, in one of them, after the rain, the water was streaming down from many brooks from everywhere with an amazing ‘symphony’ of sounds; there was dynamic movement of the clouds, a ‘magic’ mist drifted across the landscape, and we had the feeling that we were witnessing one of the Days of Creation and the primordial unity in Nature. Naturally, I was very thankful to Mary-Susann for her great help and collaboration and to the friendly Tuffy family, who provided us with such a great working trip.
Completing the Book in Bernadette Yoga Centre
The work on the manuscript of the book The Second Coming was coming to a close. In Bernadette’s centre I wrote the Conclusion and later on the Bibliography. Bernadette helped me to form the Bibliography which is an important and organic part of the book The Second Coming.
Gradually Bernadette got more and more involved in the process of editing and correcting the book. In Summer she finished the courses which she started at the beginning of the year and consecrated her efforts on preparing the book for publication. It was a great sacrifice and commitment which I appreciated deeply. At the same time, we started a new type of weekly friendly gatherings at the National Gallery of Ireland which contributed tremendously to the process of finalizing the conception of the book and preparing it for publication.
Editing and Correcting the manuscript for publication and Book Launch
The book The Second Coming came as a result of a long journey and could not have been written and published without the help and support of many friends. The Enlightenment of the reality of the Kingdom of God and the Second Coming came in Bulgaria but the full conception of the Second Coming and the Nine-Fold Rainbow Path developed in Ireland. In fact, the book was a joint effort by many people along the path.
Interesting stories happen around the publishing of the book and the book launch itself. In January, 1995, while I was in Bulgaria, Bernadette submitted the manuscript of the book to Colour Books Ltd. for printing. My flight from Bulgaria was via London Heathrow. At the airport I had a few hours and suddenly, Lionel, a good friend of mine, appeared and told me: I came to greet you and to show you an ‘interesting spiritual book’. I answered: Oh Lionel, thank you for coming. I am very happy to see you. And by the way, what is the book which you are speaking about? Here he opened his briefcase, delayed a few extra moments for the suspense and took out the printed version of my book. I had not yet seen the book and did not expect Lionel to show it to me. So, I was greatly surprised, enjoyed seeing the book and thanked him warmheartedly.
As to the book launch, first we decided to go to the then Lord Mayor of Dublin John Gormley and ask him for permission to have the book launch in the Town Hall. We met him, discussed the subject, but he very politely refused. Then we chose the National Library and organized the launch in one of the special rooms. The launch was scheduled for March 23, 1995, at 18.00 and at around 17.40 only a few people had come. At 18.00, however, the room was full and more and more people were coming. A few minutes later the porter said: This is a special room and I am concerned about the safety of the walls and the ceilings. So, no more people!
The presentation itself went well. I invited the newly appointed Bulgarian Consul; we had guests from the media and, of course, many friends. The atmosphere was good and one week after the book launch, we organized a gathering in the Unitarian Church which was well attended.
The next day after the book launch, I received a call from the Department of Foreign Affairs and the person informed me that I was granted Irish citizenship. This was great news for me and somehow, I linked it with my spiritual work in Ireland in general and the book launch of The Second Coming in particular.