Thermobalancing Therapy Offers Israelis New Prostate Treatment Options
Prostate surgery is the go-to, conventional method of treating benign prostatic hyperplasia, or prostate enlargement. The condition has a 50% adverse side effect rate and will impact quality of life for many Israelis.
Treatment is required to alleviate the symptoms associated with enlarged prostate.
Herzliya Medical Center offers surgical treatment, but the Center is incorporating methods that involve minimally invasive techniques with fewer risks of complications. Thermobalancing Therapy is one of the non-invasive treatment options to treat enlarged prostate effectively that is free from adverse side effects.
Self-care is the go-to method for treating mild symptoms of prostate enlargement, and this may include avoiding fatty foods or caffeine.
Self-care can also include avoiding drinking large volumes of liquid at one time and to stop drinking liquids two hours before bedtime to limit the “urge to go” at night. However, men can forget about drinking restrictions after they start using Thermobalancing therapy.
Over-the-counter medications, such as antihistamines and decongestants, can exasperate symptoms and should be limited.
Benign prostatic hyperplasia starts in middle age and nearly all men are at risk of developing an enlarged prostate during their lifetime. Studies show that 20% of men have an enlarged prostate at age 40, and this figure swells to 70% at age 60.
Men that live into their 80s have a 90% rate of an enlarged prostate.
Enlarged prostate progresses slowly and is linked to testosterone. Studies suggest that castrated men do not suffer from enlarged prostates, so links to testosterone as the cause of enlarged prostate are doubtful.
Benign prostatic hyperplasia is not a life-threatening condition, so why do men often go for surgical procedures?
Medications prescribed to men with benign prostatic hyperplasia are ineffective. Alpha blockers and 5 alpha reductase inhibitors: Finasteride, Avodart make easier to urinate but creating serious side effects: headache, dizziness, impotence, depression and even diabetes.
Statistics show that 25% of men will require a form of surgery to treat the symptoms they’re suffering from with an enlarged prostate. The men that require surgery will benefit the most from Thermobalancing therapy.
Patients report no signs of side effects thanks to the technology’s ability to use the body’s own energy to promote circulation and the healing process.
Thermobalancing therapy is the world’s first form of therapy that uses your body’s energy to correct the chronic illnesses patients are suffering from. Through the continuous improvement of the blood’s circulation, Thermobalancing therapy is able to treat the affected organs over the long-term.
Patients report significant improvement in quality of life after a six-month treatment period.
Israel has been at the forefront of prostate-related therapies, treatments and research, with startups leading the way. Kaplan Medical Center created a breakthrough method of treatment for detecting cancer cells in the prostate.
Current screening technologies have a false positive rate as low as 25%, yet the 25% rate is still high enough to lead to unnecessary invasive diagnostic tests.
CellDetect trials have shown positive results for prostate cancer screenings, with detection through urine samples. Tests have a 91.3% sensitivity with a 75% specificity. Previous clinical studies show CellDetect is effective for diagnosing bladder and cervical cancer. The technology is being implemented for further cancer and prostate indications.
It’s important to note that the enlargement of the prostate, or hyperplasia, is non-cancerous enlargement. The presence of a tumor is not noted when hyperplasia occurs.
Urinary retention, caused by prostatic hyperplasia, is a form of enlargement that requires surgery to correct the issue or when an infection is present. Therefore, Thermobalancing therapy should be used immediately, when an enlarged prostate is diagnosed.
Israel’s hospitals typically offer prostate surgery through transurethral access.