Three Important Points for This Election Season
My friends, we are living in divisive times. We are constantly being bombarded in both the news and social media about the stakes in the upcoming election, with often extremist messages that only seem to drive our country further apart. In fact, the times we are living in have become so divisive that it is consuming many people’s peace of mind, causing wedges between friends and family. I believe now is the time to only write words that heal, not hurt, write words that unify, not divide. With this backdrop, I decided to write this new “non-political” political article about three points that I feel are essential for the times we are living in.
Point Number One: Get out and vote. In Pirkei Avot (Ethics of our Fathers) we are taught “Pray for the welfare of your government, for without it, Man would be swallowed up alive.” Taking an active role in the country we live in, I believe is not just an American value, but a Jewish value as well. Voting is not just a right; it is a privilege. Our Democracy is sacred, and it should always be cherished that we live in a country where we can choose our leaders. This a privilege that many other countries do not have. We have two candidates who have very different visions for our country and their policies and performance can have long term consequences for our great nation. However, I believe the next point is equally important.
Point Number Two: The world will not come to an end if our preferred candidate loses. Everyone has a right to feel disappointed if their preferred candidate loses. And yes, even though elections do have consequences, I don’t believe the Apocalypse will happen when either candidate is selected, despite how it is often portrayed in the media. The media, driven by ratings, has often become a powerful propaganda machine to convince us that the world will come to an end if a particular candidate wins or loses. We live in a strong country with many wonderful ideals, and I don’t believe any one person can destroy all the many positive aspects of living in this country. I believe the same is true for Israel. We may believe that one candidate may be better or safer for the US and Israel. But believing the US or Israel will turn into some vast dystopian wasteland if our preferred candidate loses is not only wrong but extremely unhealthy as well. Believing that our lives will be ruined if our preferred candidate loses can lead to extreme isolation and depression and even sometimes political violence. Life will go on, I promise. But this leads me to point number three, which is perhaps the most important point of all.
Point Number Three: Do not destroy friendships or family over this election. In Pirkei Avot (Ethics of our Fathers) it is written “Acquire for yourself a friend.” Notice it says “acquire for yourself a friend,” instead of the more common phrase “find for yourself a friend.” I always believed that it specifically used the word “acquire” to teach us a great lesson. The word “acquire” implies permanence, something that should last a lifetime. A good friend is someone who stays in our life that we can laugh with, share experiences with, grow with, and of course turn to for support during difficult times. Friendship is such a powerful force in our lives. And family connections I believe are even more important. This is our lifeblood, our connection, the strongest feeling of love we can make. So much in Judaism revolves around family; we spend Shabbos with family, and many of our holidays with family. Family is what enhances both our daily living and most importantly our Judaism as well. Supporting one candidate over the other should never be something that should drive a wedge between such a bond.
So, my friends, let’s all keep it real. Stay cool and level-headed. Vote, but don’t let it consume you. And always stay connected to the people who mean the most to you. And may the person best fit to serve our country be elected to help our nation continue to be.