Scott Krane
a philosophe populaire, blogging about Judaism, war & the mimetic arts...

Three (more) Poems for the Summer


Because of the comatose tripod onlooker secrecy code, I swore I wouldn’t tell (is what I am trying to say). Eventually I did learn how to communicate, but that was years later. I was not under oath, and anyway had forgotten the code. 

a.m. c0rridor 

The day started with sun beams filtering thru the glass/ making the hall look old/ particles of dust danced in this light[…]


I hate that people change

Like seasons and weather and

youth seems to die –

Personalities become so tempered,

As years go by


And I see in mine friend’s three eyes which

Once illustrated elation, and now 

Death already radiates,

’tis raw truth she wants, but

It is not time yet, Bernadette…


And now my bones betray me!

Like they are wearing away...

Becoming brittle Becoming old, and

My size doesn’t change

It only feels like I am


And in summer’s early months

I felt happy, but nothing can surpass

That which I feel in early winter days

When all are grays and gray is all, and

I am so prepared to live and to give…


And it seems, like it seemed

Once long ago, the ice

-[s]torm was a sublime event, […]

You might see on the Evening News

Now see you are overrated and anticlimactic


Even in months of static.

It cannot rain hard enough anymore.

It cannot be gray enough

In Her aging sky, and:

I shall come prepared this time for life.

About the Author
Scott Shlomo Krane has been blogging for TOI since February 2012. His writing has also appeared in The Atlantic, Tablet, Ha'aretz, The Jerusalem Post, the Daily Caller, Mic, JazzTimes and Scott was a columnist and breaking news editor for Arutz Sheva-Israel National News (2011-2013). In addition to holding a degree in Judaic Studies and a Master's in English from Bar-Ilan University (for which he wrote his thesis on the poetry of American master, John Ashbery), he has learned Judaism at Hadar Ha'Torah Rabbinical Seminary in Brooklyn.
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