Carol Hauser
Try | Make Mistakes | Learn | Succeed

Thriving in a New Land: Resources for Olim Job Seekers

Start line - Image by Tumisu from Pixabay
Start line - Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

As an Olah Chadashah (newcomer to Israel) and job seeker in 2018, landing a job in a new country felt like climbing Mount Everest.

No English fluency (I’m from Brazil!), limited Hebrew, unfamiliar with the work landscape, and almost no network – a situation many Olim (new immigrants) can understand.

So, how did I overcome these hurdles?

  • Invested a lot of time learning: I followed career coaches and consultants, read every industry publication, enrolled in Hebrew classes, and soaked up knowledge from podcasts and vlogs.
  • Networked relentlessly: I connected with anyone who could offer advice, even inviting strangers for coffee chats, and attended as many networking events as possible.
  • Offered my time to support others: I volunteered my (a lot of free) time, and created and participated actively in supportive communities.
  • Shared my story: I documented my challenges and how I overcame them in this blog, helping others going through similar experiences.

A word for all the job seekers out there:

The job market worldwide is tougher today than in 2018. Blame it on AI, layoffs, or the current war in Israel – the struggle is real. Sending out resumes and facing rejections can be disheartening. Trust me, I’ve been there. But remember this powerful quote often attributed to Albert Einstein:

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Here’s my resource toolkit to kickstart your Israeli career (full disclosure, there’s not a single affiliate link):

This journey may seem daunting, but with the right approach and resources, you’ll be well on your way to professional success in Israel.

Remember, perseverance and a diversified approach are key in navigating today’s challenging job market.

Wishing you all the best in your endeavors.

About the Author
Hello! I'm Carol, an HR Professional with a background in Business Consultancy (ex- EY). I faced my own challenges when seeking a qualified job in Israel. After a few years, I transitioned into high-tech, embracing a new profession - Talent Acquisition. This journey has given me a unique perspective on both sides of the job search process. Having hired many internationals, I've developed a deep passion for supporting them as they integrate into the Israeli workforce. I believe in the power of diversity and inclusion in the workplace.
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