To my Palestinian neighbors
No, I do not hate you.
We have to share
What we are still fighting over.
We are not children
To blame “Who started it.”
I see part of myself
In your struggle to be you.
And even if you are led
To hate me, for now
I do not hate you.
And I will not let your leaders
Make me hate you.
Even as they slaughter
My brothers and sisters
And blood and tears are everywhere.
This is not in your name
But done to your name.
I hate such a name
And perhaps you will too
In time. But for now
It is not you I hate.
Nor will I let my leaders
Make me hate you.
From blunder to thunder
They “prove” who you are,
Only to prove who they are.
My army, my children and brothers
Will have to fight your leaders
And you will also suffer,
But it is not with hatred for you
That I send them to battle.
To paraphrase the Buddha
I will not drink poison hatred
And believe it will kill you.
Not the poison dealt by your leaders,
Nor the poison offered by mine.
With every tear of anguish
I say quietly
In no microphone
And before
No sensational camera
To myself and to the few who may listen
I will not hate