Trump, Colorado, and the rise of antisemitism/anti-Christian sentiment
On December 20, Colorado’s supreme court removed Donald Trump from the 2024 ballot in violation of the US constitution, in a dictatorial power grab that usurped American voters their fundamental right to select their own leaders.
This author was quite shocked at how radical America has become, and even more perplexing is why did the state of Colorado lead this defilement of the US constitution?
Upon initial digging about Denver and Colorado on the internet, the author was further shocked by what kept popping up was an image of a demonic looking blue horse named Blucifer and Denver International Airport, instead of some idyllic scenery on tourism in Colorado. What’s happening in Colorado?

Rising Satanism
Further digging unveiled some unsavory and quite fantastic data. One of which is the growth of the Satanic Temple, and creepy history of Denver International Airport (DIA). According to a 2016 Business Insider article, the statue killed its sculptor Luis Jiménez in a freak accident, when a piece of the horse fell on top of him. This story has so captured people’s imagination that even New York Times wrote an expose on Blucifer and DIA in April of this year.
Jiménez’s relatives eventually finished the sculpture in 2008, which stands 32 foot tall, made of fiberglass and red neon eyes, much to the horror of Colorado residents. Known as the Demon Horse of DIA or Blucifer, one ponders why the state and largest airport (at 53 square miles!) in America would choose such a sculpture to welcome travelers from all around the world?
Inside the airport is more strange themes, with a talking gargoyle and murals depicting apocalyptic scenes of mothers holding dead babies and a soldier with a gas mask stabbing a dove. The murals so disturbed the public that some of them have now been removed. This really begs the question of why authorities commissioned this type of dark sculptures to begin with.
Joining recent media coverage of the Colorado supreme court’s decision and the creepy Denver airport, is proliferation of the Satanic Temple and establishment of After School Satan’s Club from kindergarten to eighth grade (K-8) in Delta County, Colorado. The Satanic Temple is gaining traction in its activism, gaining entry to America’s educational system and children’s minds, opening more chapters of After School Satan’s Club in Tennessee and Virginia, according to CBS and Fox News.
It is also gaining entry into the US political system, most recently being allowed to place a satanic altar inside the Iowa’s capitol building and also in Michigan’s state capitol in 2014. Detroit hosts the largest satanic temple chapter in the US, so it is no surprise that now Michigan is a hotbed of antisemitism with the prevalence of this dark and evil sentiment.
In light of this proliferation, it seems America is eroding as a Christian country built on Judeo-Christian values, which helps illuminate the rise of antisemitism and anti-Christianity sentiment across the country.
Rising antisemitism and anti-Christianity
Not only is antisemitism erupting around the country and on college campuses, but anti-Christianity and blasphemies are regularly committed against American Christians. According to Reuters, antisemitic events have increased by 400% since the Hamas massacre of Israelis on October 7, glorifying genocide and celebrating the murderers in an upside world where evil is deemed as good and good as evil.
American churches are also regularly burned and vandalized with little media coverage. In 2021 when a string of Canadian churches were torched, US media justified the destruction, revealing underlying contempt for Christianity. Blasphemy is also regularly committed to mock Christians in public, with the most notable one in August at the Dodger stadium when perverse drag queens dressed as nuns performed pole dancing on a man dressed as Jesus on the cross. One ponders whether these drag queens would have the same gumption to pole dance on Muhammad and mock Muslims.
The Satanic Temple of Colorado went further and even made a nine-foot tall robotic Jesus named Duality on an upside down cross, that when bystanders put money into a slot on its side (where Jesus was stabbed by a spear) the robot would spew out blasphemies. In a country where open blasphemies are regularly committed to mock and persecute Christians, churches are burned with little media interest, where antisemitism and genocide is celebrated, and moral depravity is rapidly spreading, what does the future hold for America as the traditional leader of the free world?
God is not mocked
In Psalm 33 it is written “‘Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.” With the removal of God from public space and increasingly replaced by pagan idols or satanic altars, America as a Judeo-Christian nation has lost its way. Whereas God used to bless America, sadly she has moved away into a place of abomination, and God cannot bless a country or a person in a place of sin. The curses of disobedience are already self-evident—plagues of inflation, disease, crime, lawlessness, poverty, suicide, moral depravity, starvation, homelessness, deaths, and the list goes on.
Like a modern-day Nineveh, America is about to run out its grace period before judgement comes. Ultimately God is not mocked. “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap” the Bible warns in Galatians 6:7.
And God is issuing warnings. For the LA Dodger’s blasphemous display back in August, they immediately suffered a humiliating defeat in the baseball game. For the Turkish politician who said God would curse Israel, he was immediately struck down and died of a heart attack on the podium. For Genesis 12:3 clearly warned “I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you.” As for the Satanic Temple and its members, outer Gehenna awaits them, where these lost souls will discover there is no party, but of eternal darkness with weeping and gnashing of teeth. (Matthew 22:13).
As America continues its moral decay, Israel can no longer trust in the US, any more than it can trust in its Iron Dome or IDF to protect them as evidenced by October 7. The most powerful weapon right now is prayer for this type of spiritual warfare. “Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.” Psalm 20:7. For the faithful remnants in America and Israel, this is a time to be girded in their spiritual amor, link shields, not fight the battle against evil and darkness just on their feet but on bended knees, and unleash the power of Heaven to vanquish their enemies.
“The night is far spent, and the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light.” (Romans 12:3)