Mort Laitner

Trump’s Night in the Garden

On Sunday, October 27th, 2024, nine days before the election, Herr Trump has booked his pro-American rally in Madison Square Garden.

Holy macaroni!

That boy knows how to push my buttons.

What’s next?

A rally in the front yard of Henry Ford’s home or the backyard of Father Coughlin’s house.

That incompetent, old guy knows how to select a venue that rubs anti-Semitic salt deep into the wounds of every American Jew.

And the guy loves doing it.

I’m reminded how as a ten-year-old, my knee scabs burned as I rode the waves of Miami Beach.

And now, 65 years later, Trump pours sea salts directly onto my fresh abrasions.

And as he pours, he plots against America.

He plots to destroy democracy, the Constitution, and all of our precious freedoms in one fell swoop.

And as he plans, a blitzkrieg of thoughts and questions march across my battlefield, scared brain.

I imagine the Garden’s marquee reading,  “Make America Great Again Just As It Was In 1939.”

I ponder, “Did Fred Trump attend the German-American Bund rally on February 20, 1939?”

And did he later brag about attending the rally to his son?

I wonder, “Does Donald use a copy of that infamous Madison Square Garden rally photo as a bookmark in his copy of Mein Kampf?”

Did Trump invite all 52 (Who knew?) American Neo-Nazi hate groups to his Manhattan rally?

If he did, he’d lie and say, “It wasn’t me. It must have been some other guy’s mistake. I never heard of any of these groups.”

I imagine the Garden filled with the ghosts of 20,000 (1939) American Bund members mingling with 20,000 (2024) American Neo-Nazis.

Groups like the Aryan Brotherhood, The Goyem Defense League, The Proud Boys, The Klan, The Veterans of January 6th, and The Patriotic Front just to mention a few of the 52 Neo-Nazi organizations based in the United States. And all 52 of them love and support Herr Trump.

I imagine Trump supporters—from the notorious white supremacist groups, like the Patriotic Front—holding up and waving red, white, and blue placards reading “Reclaim America.” I imagine the arena shaking, rattling, and rolling with 20,000 voices screaming, “Reclaim America!

Yup, they want to reclaim America by getting rid of all the Jews, the Blacks, and the Hispanics, and all immigrants and the Gays. Sounds like Germany in the Thirties.

Yup, reclaim America is a cleaner version of, “The Jews Will Not Replace Us.”

But On Sunday, October 27th, 2024 this Jew is going to be counting how many of the “Reclaim America” signs he sees in that crowd.

And how many of the old guy’s security guards wear armbands, brown shirts, and dark brown ties to his rally;

I wonder, “Are Trump’s commanders going to order his security personnel to confiscate all SS and swastika flags from attendees as they enter the Garden?”

But I bet some Trump attendees will be smart enough to stuff swastika flags in their boxer shorts to avoid confiscation and you’ll see those Nazi flags waving across your TV sets.

I bet you’ll even see some of Trump’s Nazi fans wearing deadhead Camp Auschwitz sweatshirts.

And as the salt strings my skin, I ponder, “Is this rally, how Trump plans to pay homage to his neo-Nazi followers and gets them out to vote?”

Will a giant banner of George Washington adorn the Garden stage as it did in 1939?

Will there be a uniformed drum corps filling the stage as it did in 1939?

I don’t expect to see swastika banners hanging from the rafters as they did in 1939. These modern-day bigots and racists are far too coy for such a blatant display of anti-Semitism.

But signs, banners, baseball caps, and armbands bearing the number 1488 will make an appearance throughout the Garden.

I wonder, “When I watch the rally, will I see and hear any “Seig Heiling from the mob?”

So on October 27th, you know that I’ll be watching Trump’s Madison Square Garden rally. I’ll want to see if any of the theatrics from the German-American Bund rally of 1939 are incorporated into Donald’s Pro-American rally.

And if those 1939 theatrics are incorporated in his show, and if you’re standing next to an open window, I’ll bet you a buck that you’ll be able to hear me yelling,

“I told you so, I told you so, I told you so!”


About the Author
Florida's Jewish short-story writer, speaker, film producer and retired attorney. Mort is the co-editor of "Sea Of Tranquility---A Literary Anthology." The book is scheduled to land on the Moon in November of 2025 as part of the Lunar Codex Project. The Earthbound editions are now on sale on Amazon. He has also authored, "A Hebraic Obsession", "The Hanukkah Bunny" and "The Greatest Gift." Mort has produced an award-winning short film entitled, "The Stairs". Movie can be viewed for free online. ChatGPT says, "Mort is known for his works that often explore themes of love, loss, and the human connection. Laitner has published several books , including “A Hebraic Obsession.” His writing style is characterized by its emotional depth and introspection. Laitner’s works have garnered praise for their heartfelt expression and keen insight into the human experience." Mort was the president of the South Florida Writers Association and a correspondent for the Fort Lauderdale Sun Sentinel Jewish Journal.
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