Yakira Yedidia
becoming the Best You!

Vayishlach: Musical Torah Story by Yakira Yedidia

Before time , Before the creation of the Universe, Torah was created, written on white fire on black fire God’s visionary blueprint for the world, encoded everywhere, waiting to be discovered. Thirty five hundred years ago at Sinai the words of Torah were spoken and heard, and would resonate throughout time and space for eternity.

Transmitted from Moses to the people, to judges, to kings, to prophets, to trees. The words of Torah read, spoken, heard, done, spread to every corner of the world.

After 20 years of living under his uncle’s oppression and deception Jacob received word from God that it was time to return home to the Holy Land. Jacob was very much afraid of his brother Esau because he had deceived their father Isaac into giving him the special first-born blessing that was meant for Esau.

Thereupon Jacob said, “O God of my father Abraham and God of my father Isaac, God who says to me to return to my country and that the Almighty will do good to me. Deliver me, I pray, from the hand of my brother, for I fear he shall kill me and my family, even though you promised to make my descendants like sand in the sea.”

God Give Me Strength

Written by Elvis Costello

God give me strength
God give me strength
Now I have nothing
So God give me strength
‘Cos I’m weak anyway
And if I’m strong i might still break
And I don’t have anything to share
That I won’t throw away into the air

That song is sung out
This bell is rung out
He was the light that I’d bless
He took my last chance of happiness

So God give me strength
God give me strength

Jacob sent messengers ahead to meet his brother Esau. “Tell him that his servant Jacob has been with Laban until now. Tell him that I have acquired herds and flocks and servants. Tell him I seek favor in his eyes.” The messengers soon returned. “Your brother is coming to meet you, but there are 400 men with him.” Worried that his brother Esau will kill him, Jacob divides his clan into two camps, so at least some will survive in case of a fight.

So God give me strength
God if he’d grant me his indulgence and decline
I might as well
Wipe him from my memory
Fracture the spell
As he becomes my enemy

Maybe I was washed out
Like a lip-print on his shirt
See, I’m only human
I want him to hurt
I want him
I want him to hurt

Since I lost the power to pretend
That there could ever be a happy ending
That song is sung out
This bell is rung out
He was the light that I’d bless
He took my last chance of happiness
So God give me strength X2

Jacob lifted up his eyes seeing Esau was coming with 400 men. Jacob immediately lined up his families: the maidservants and their children, followed by Leah and their children, and then Rachel and Joseph at the end. Then Jacob went ahead of them and bowed to the ground seven times until he came close to his brother. Esau ran to meet him and embraced him, fell upon his neck and kissed him, and they wept.

Perception IS NOT reality. Jacob thought that Esau wanted to kill him, but Esau was ready to reconcile with Jacob, wanting to embrace and to be embraced by his twin brother.

Perception acts as a lens through which we view reality. Our perceptions influence how we focus on, process, remember, understand, decide about, and act on reality. In doing so, our tendency is to assume that how we perceive reality is an accurate representation of what reality truly is.

May we all beware and be aware of the perception we have of ourselves and of others. Let the Sunshine In.

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About the Author
Yakira Yedidia wears many hats, specializing in Jewish education, positive psychology, and life coaching ✍️ As a self-published author, she is dedicated to helping you transform your life with actionable tips on personal growth, creativity, and productivity. Yakira is the founder of Hebrew Guru and Mensch World Books and the author of How to Be a Jew Today and the LEARN TO READ HEBREW IN 18 STEPS book series. She is also a co-owner of Torah Rental LA. A truth seeker at heart, she’s on a soulful journey, exploring life's next steps. Join her on and visit to learn more
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