Shmuel Lemon

Vote for Life not for Death

Look at what has been revealed yesterday and it says it all.

Stanford researchers estimate Trump rallies have caused 700 COVID-19 deaths

Economists with Stanford University have calculated, using a statistical model, that an estimated 700 people have died of COVID-19 as a result of 18 election campaign rallies held by US President Donald Trump between June and September

It found that more than 30,000 infections are likely to have been caused by the rallies, not solely among attendees.

Fauci says US poorly positioned to stem virus, urges ‘abrupt change’ in policy

The US government’s top infectious diseases expert is cautioning that the country will have to deal with “a whole lot of hurt” in the weeks ahead due to surging coronavirus cases.

Dr. Anthony Fauci’s comments take issue with US President Donald Trump’s frequent assertion that the nation is “rounding the turn” on the virus.

Fauci says the US “could not possibly be positioned more poorly” to stem rising cases as more people gather indoors during the colder fall and winter months. He says the US will need to make an “abrupt change” in public health precautions.

Speaking of the risks, Fauci says he believes Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden “is taking it seriously from a public health perspective,” while Trump is “looking at it from a different perspective.” Fauci, who’s on the White House coronavirus task force, says that perspective is “the economy and reopening the country.”

About the Author
Shmuel Lemon has been a communal orthodox Rabbi, teacher, educator and engaged with the Jewish community; presently residing in Edgware England. He had a chareidi background but now considers himself to be a plain orthodox Jew. He has experienced the pulse of today’s adults having being involved with different communities from different backgrounds especially in Israel and Johannesburg. He can be contacted at
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