Wash Post editorial libels Israel
In “The United States can’t just stand by as Israel starves northern Gaza” (10/20/24), Washington Post editorialist Josh Rogan says that northern Gaza is suffering and starving. We have been hearing about starving in Gaza since near October 8, the day after thousands of Hamas terrorists and Gazan civilians massacred and maimed thousands of Israelis of all ages many of whom were asleep at the time, taking hundreds hostage including Americans. They threw hand grenades into shelters filled with families, blowing them to bits. That was one of their more docile acts.
And there is no famine and has been no famine in Gaza. That’s not to say there isn’t suffering. However, Hamas has admitted that about 80% of the casualties are Hamas terrorists and their families. Yes, there is an issue right now in Northern Gaza and that is because the residents were asked to leave so Israel can finish off the terrorists there and look for hostages. But many are not allowed to leave because of Hamas beatings and intimidation.
Mr. Rogan, it is Hamas that the author should be screaming about if he is concerned about Gazan’s going hungry. They steal the aid, sell it to Gazans at exorbitant prices, and recruit new terrorists with the profits.
Any so-called “strangling an entire population” or deprivation is just Israel slander. It needs to be aimed at Hamas and its Arab/Iranian supporters throughout the Middle East who back them. The article should be titled: “Will the world allow Iran and Arab supporters of Hamas to starve Gaza?”
Israel, the eternal scapegoat, is not to blame. Time for editorial writers like Rogan to accept the reality of it and not feel compelled to join the Israel-hatred parade.