Janice Hochstat-Greenberg

We must keep on retelling their stories

As we mark the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, I think of all of those who perished there and of all of the other concentration camps. I think of those who survived and were liberated but have since passed away. I think of those who are still among us but are no longer able to share their stories because of illness or memory loss. I think of all those who are still among us and have never shared their stories because of the pain it would cause them.

Yes there are children and grandchildren of Holocaust survivors who continue to share the stories and experiences of their loved ones. I greatly admire them.

There will be numerous other anniversaries of other concentration camps being liberated this tear.

Each year on the 27th day of Nissan Holocaust Remembrance day is commemorated by many Jewish synagogues and other institutions.

This is not enough.

It behooves each of us to not only to be the voices of all those who went through the Holocaust.

It behooves each of us to work towards a Holocaust education program that is mandatory in every school and as part of the home school curriculum.

It behooves each of us to become better storytellers and Holocaust awareness activists.

Let us be the ones who keep retelling the stories of all those children and adults.

Let us learn from their narratives.

About the Author
I am a librarian, folklorist and author living in New Jersey. I was brought up in both Orthodox & Conservative shuls. As a married woman I have been very active in both Conservative & Reform shuls.
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