Mottle Wolfe

What the Palestinian People Need to Hear Right Now

You will not win. You will not get a state, you will not get equal rights, you will not get freedom of movement you will not be able to lift yourselfs out of the despair and squalor that so many of you live in. If the only two choices you leave us is to oppress you or let you kill our citizens, you WILL be oppressed. If you try to stab us, you will not walk away, if you fire rockets at us from the rooftops of your hospitals and schools, we will turn them into rubble.  It you use your villages as bases of operation to launch terror attacks against our people, there will not be less checkpoints but more.

ISIS and radical Islam will not ‘liberate’ you. We are the only nation on earth that clearly identifies the threat of fundamentalist Islam and are willing to deal with it head on. They stand no chance against us.

You will not find more economic opportunity, you will not have more jobs, if you continue your murderous Jihadi rampaging rather we will seek and find a labor force that is not violent and not hostile to our existence.  

To the Palestinians that have jobs in Israel, we know that the vast majority of you just want to do you job, collect a paycheck and go home. You should know that all it takes is one.  One Palestinian terrorist in an office building, or behind the wheel of a bus or in a settlement to attack us, and we will fire every other Palestinian that works there.

There are good people in the world that are looking for opportunity, and Israel is a place with in which they can find it.

People from Thailand and the Philippines are looking for opportunities to better their fortune.  We will happily give it to them, if you reject it.  They will move here to Israel, the only free state in the Middle East. We don’t care what their religion is.  We care that they will work an honest day for an honest shekel.  Their children will be rewarded with an education, health care and every opportunity that my children have.  

They will take their place in Innovation Nation and they will prosper while you rot in your hatred and vitriol.

You have squandered all good will.  We will put you down.  We will leave you in your pit of misery and suffering until you decide to raise a generation that will not attempt to annihilate us. If it takes you 100 years so be it. It is better than one more dead Israeli at the hands of your Jihadi violence.

The people in the world that most ralley to your cause of ‘justice’, your ‘friends’ in the BDS movement don’t really care about you, they hate us, and we are done caring about them.

The Israelis that want to expel the Jews from Judea and Samaria in order to create a Palestinian State, also do not care about you.  They hate you, and simply want you to go away behind a wall.

They are close to admitting that that isn’t going to work.

How does all of this sound?

By the way there is another option.  It is harder, and may even seem impossible, but it is not and it is the only chance you have for a future for your children.  You can abandon you campaigns of destruction and violence and embrace the concept of peace with your neighbors.  You can choose to accept the fact that the Jewish people are also indigenous to this land and we are not going anywhere. You can acknowledge the fact that you live in the Jewish State, and embrace the privileges that go along with that.  

You can choose to have a future.

The author is the host of The Mottle Wolfe Show, Israel’s only English Language Daily News Talk Program. Click here to learn how you can stream or download for free.

About the Author
Mottle Wolfe Tweets as @RebMottle. He is the host of The Mottle Wolfe Show, Israel's only daily news talk program. He lives in the Hills of Judea with his wife Batya, and their three children.
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