“When we allow the extremists to set the agenda of the debate…”
Sunday 26 July 2015
The Right Honourable David Cameron
10 Downing Street
London SW1
Dear David Cameron
Last week you made a momentous speech in Birmingham. It could even be said that it was of “Churchillian proportions”.
“When we allow the extremists to set the agenda of the debate…” you said, as you announced your plan to combat what you explained as the Islamist ideology that is radicalising many of our young UK citizens, and a brave progressive plan it is too. However, there is another debate that is taking place that requires your interjection, a debate in which the extremists are being allowed to set the agenda .
In Vienna last week, the P5 + 1 Accord concluded a deal with Iran, the state sponsor of terrorism across the globe, that pariah state that the advent of ISIS hides from view.
When the leaders of a country call for death to America, death to Israel and death to England, our response, as Congressman Allen West said yesterday, must be “you first”, for when we allow extremists to set the agenda “what message are we sending when we sit down at the table with the state sponsor of terrorism?”.
Many of us can recall the result of the last piece of paper signed in the vain hope of “peace for our time”, the ashes of our relatives fertilising the green forests of Europe as we vowed “never again”.
We urge you Mr Prime Minister to consider this:
What is it about a deal that failed to discuss human rights in Iran, failed to address 4 American hostages held in Iran, failed to account for persecution of the other in Iran, failed to insist on the recognition of Israel’s right to exist without continued threat of destruction, failed to destroy the Iran nuclear ambition, failed to consult the West’s allies in the region, that makes “peace for our times” a reality hardly worth the ink that signs it?
We urge you Mr Prime Minister to dissent from this deal, to be the lion amongst the sheep, to stand apart from the consensus of the Vienna Accord and say NO TO THIS DEAL WITH IRAN as it’s a bad deal that fails to demand “dismantle for dismantle”.
Sharon Klaff & Ambrosine Chetrit
Campaign 4 Truth