Where Is President Trump Going?
The trip of President Donald Trump and entourage has been plagued with map and geography problems.
Is Jerusalem in Israel? Will the US embassy be in Jerusalem? Is he traveling to “Palestine” or just territories under the control of the Palestinian Authority?
We’ve been reading all the stories.
Was Ivanka at Israel’s “most holiest site” and who fooled her?
Let me try to help out President Trump regarding today’s visit to Bethlehem.
And where is Bethlehem?
As it is written:
“Bethlehem [is] in Judea”
recorded in Matthew 2:1, a book composed 500 years before the Quran. And Judea is the land of those of the tribe of Judah. The Jewish land and the Jews’ land.
I hope he will not be fooled by newcomers, for Bethlehem is not only in Judea but Judea is, as in Matthew 2:20, in
the Land of Israel
not the Land of Ishmael.