Jacob Deveaux

Where my blogging connects to my inner journey

To recover from a loss of any sort can mean putting things in perspective first. For this task, you may need to discover the details regarding your loss before you decide on the next path to take on your journey. Many people in recovery groups which can be for recovery from damage addiction or painful injuries may use a journal.

When you connect to original thoughts or remember something, you overlooked then write it down. You may want to read these ideas or moments often or rarely depending on the route followed.

I am a blogger, so writing is important to me with the journal method of documenting thoughts being a theory which draws my interest. Nobody needs to know what you write about until you publish or as therapy for grief or loss you share with trusted others. I must remember to keep track of things except my memory can fail me often. Why I don’t journal yet is because of trepidation, not laziness.

Writing is important to me with the intention of turning it into part of my life’s work someday. I don’t currently get paid for writing but if a small sum appeared than I would feel like I was successful in publishing my work. Someone mentioned Ghostwriter to me which would be a big leap for me someone who is considering post-secondary education at a late age.

As an example of journaling which I recently started was to write down words I used in my tarot card reading career. Many words came to mind in my brainstorming moments which lasted for more than a few hours. I loved coming up with words of spiritual descriptions caring supportive words and thoughts to provoke words in religious concepts. Now I intend on taking all those and writing out full dictionary meanings for comprehension of what I speak or describe.

I met someone that listed all the words she knew the implications of which worked into her writing. She had more than ten thousand come up. My list of words I wanted to bring up only covered one-page side of a Microsoft document. I will begin there then reference and cross reference with a dictionary and thesaurus. Many people use words of similar topics in their careers so why don’t they do the same and journal away to success.

Writing out these words I feel will increase the memory of not only words but like what journaling sometimes does is unlock memories. Writing this may lead as well into topics of insight in your chosen field of interest. Someone could write a trades journal or novel after exploring their word usage with the intent on the increase.

Discovering your life path may not come to you easy, but for some, it can seem effortless or lucky with lots of hard work. Nothing is easy unless it is eating ice cream or favorite treats. I find writing and spiritual topics critical to me with interest in bringing them into resolution through political means. I vote in elections and campaign for those I support by blogging sometimes.

I am getting away from political blogging preferring now to either write on here regarding spiritual topics or feeling matters. On other blogs, I now intend on talking about significant issues which I feel don’t need me mentioning who should address them. I feel there are many topics in the world with very little time left to conquer the problems.

I saw that Jews might lose a whole generation of supporters because of antisemitism in an article I read today in another newspaper. I find that very distressing that antisemitism has returned with such force in these modern times. It is not just the rise of secularism but extremist language surfacing on social media being an influence. Childhood bullying is out of control so if these topics find more research then maybe we can solve them.

On one blog I had some real subjects such as anti-bullying standing against terror as well as mentioning politicians when they were going in the right direction on those topics. I wrote political posts often which I was proud of in many ways feeling I was addressing some important issues. I ended up taking down many articles over time as terror increased remembering Charlie Hebdo and the many cowardly attacks in the media.

I am leaving those topics to be addressed by politicians and professional broadcasters. Never having supported protest movements I feel keeps me safe from harm in some ways. Why would I want to attend a protest against someone who is lawfully speaking their mind? I see many support Israel events getting attacked by demonstrators that have no morals or boundaries.

My journaling may one day give me a way to address those issues in a beautiful article which is as beautiful as the Land of Israel itself. I would love to visit the Holy Land one day. You may already be lucky enough to have already visited or lived there if you are reading this article. Not many people of any faith or culture that I know personally have been to the Holy Land. Someday religion and culture will rise to the respected heights they deserve. I can’t wait!

By closing out this article, I don’t resolve any issues within I am just bringing up some point of reference into my blogging. Journaling could lead me into journalism or political movements that I could find interesting. I value the human race and its members if they also value many people as I do. I don’t like racism anti-Semitism or any reason for causing the isolation of others.

My writing may take a swing into something massive someday when I have fully developed my topic to publish into one researched political article or humanitarian cause. Don’t hold your breath because it may take some time for me to accomplish that. This author wishes you the very best from Canada, Shalom.

About the Author
Jacob Deveaux's in depth spiritual research compels him to write to interested people. He has presented spiritual topics to many on life's issues. Judaism is the base religion with the Torah being the Old Testament accepted by Christians. He will present spiritual topics through the Times of Israel.
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