Where Strength Comes From
How do they do it? If you’re like me, you were in awe this week when you watched Hersh’s parents speak about bringing Hersh and 108 other precious souls back to where they belong. They firmly and lovingly reoriented the priorities of millions. Where do they get the strength?
I don’t know. But, at the same time, I cannot say: I have no idea. Because I do. This week’s portion of Torah specializes in reminding us where reliable sources of strength can be found. It makes something clear: false gods, including an overinflated self, are not very reliable.
How can you tell false gods from the real One? Maybe by where an encounter leaves you. That is, where it deposits you emotionally.
Does it leave you drained or does it leave you filled up? Does it leave you languishing? Lost. Sad. Or does it leave you with unexpected satisfactions, newly opened urges that carry you to your next task? Does it leave you feeling a fresh firmness has been poured into your vacillating principles. Like you’ve just received an internal handshake from a hibernating commitment that’s dear to you.
Why is this week’s portion so tough on self-inflation (kochi v’otzem yadi) (Deut. 8:17)? Because your ever-patient Maker and Sustainer knows what’s good for you.
Hersh’s parents were so moved by what they received. As Rachel later told an interviewer, upon hearing 50,000 diverse people chant Bring-Them-Home: “It was so overwhelming to me that I started to weep.” Their experience was touchingly tender. The faces of those in the room who were breathlessly listening, also moved Rachel and Jon.
And, yes, such sensations can also pulsate in get-togethers between your soul and its Source.
May you too be moved by what you receive.
“Blessed are you, dear God, sovereign of the universe, for providing the weary with strength.”